Chapter 4

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“How can I make you see that you are everything to me?” Cheryl pleaded, in vain. 

“Cheryl...” Kimberley sighed, a small tear traced its way down her cheek, coming to a halt when it reached her lips. 

“I know you love me... and I know that you probably think I’m just being stupid and trying to prove a point, but I just can’t go on like this any more”

Cheryl tried hard to hide the fear that had suddenly reached her face. 

“What are you saying babe?” Cheryl asked hesitantly. 

“When we first got together, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world...” Kimberley laughed a little sadly. 

“I can try harder Kimberley, whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it, just tell me what it is” Cheryl pleaded.

Kimberley shrugged, “Truthfully Cheryl... I don’t know what I want anymore”

Cheryl swallowed hard, she bent down so that she was on eye level with Kimberley and took hold of her hands, squeezing them tightly. 

“But, you do want me don’t you?” She asked with a frown, fearing the answer she was about to get. 

“You are all I’ve ever wanted Cheryl”

She felt the fear and the anticipation rush out and leave her body, and she leant in, hugging Kimberley tightly, not wanting to let her go. 

“We can work through this” Cheryl said, her voice muffled over Kimberley’s sobs. 


Kimberley sat in the kitchen that she shared with Cheryl, a newspaper was sat on the surface along with a glass of orange juice and some toast that looked like it had been sat there for a while. 

She smiled to herself before taking a sip of the orange juice. Cheryl had made her breakfast before she had left for work, as she often did on mornings when it seemed she was getting up before the sun itself. 

She pushed the cold toast away from her and opened the paper, she leafed through it lazily, not really focusing on the words, but thankful that for one day at least, there was no stories about her or Cheryl, or their “crisis talks” in the hotel.

For the first few days after it had all happened, it was all the pepers could focus on, even members of her family were calling to make sure everything was alright, and Joan had called round on more than one occassion to check on Cheryl. 

She walked in to the dark living room and opened the curtains, something Cheryl had always forgot to do before rushing out in the mornings. 

As she turned around, she caught sight of the big bunch of flowers that sat on the table in the middle of the room.

A smile beamed on to her face as she went over and read the card that was laid out next to them on the table. 


On this day, ten years ago, our eyes met for the very first time, and ever since that day, my life has changed in so many ways, all because of you. 

I live to see you smile and it breaks my heart that I’ve upset you so much, but I promise that from this day on, I’m going to count my blessings and treat you like a queen. 

I love you


Kimberley smiled,and held her hand to her heart. She felt a tear making it’s way down her cheek, but this time it was a tear of joy.

She almost jumped out of her skin as she heard a small cough come from behind her, turning around, she was relieved to see Cheryl standing in the door way. 

“You’re going to be late for work” Kimberley smiled, putting the card, she walked over to where Cheryl was standing.

“Dont you worry about that” Cheryl replied, opening her arms as Kimberley fell in to them. 

For you, I’ve got all the time in the world"

i think thats the end of the story O: i dont know... she hasn't updated since 2010 :|

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