Chapter 1

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" Hey Sexy " , " Wanna come over later?" , " Dude I'd totally bang her."

That's what I hear down the halls everyday...

I head down to my locker which is already surrounded by boys and girl wanna-be's .

" Hey everyone. " I say faking my best smile.

" Hey " , " Hi! " , " Hey Babe " All the impostors says.

All my fake friends, the ones who are only around me because I'm " Popular " or " Hot " . Pssshhh whatever , I'm not like the kind of girl you think , I don't put down others because I'm " Popular " and their a " Nerd " ? I don't even know how I got like this, you know popular? I really don't like that word.... I just can't wait for the day to be over.

" Why you day-dreaming , gotta get to class!!" My "Bestfriend" Casey says , while she waves a hand in my face.

" Coming. " I say emotionously and walk to class.

I sit down in my special seat , everyone gathered around my seat.

I mean seriously can I have my space!!!! Thank fully Mr.Jennings walked in and everyone took their seats.

The day went by fast and as the bell rang I got my belongings and went out to my car. I had a nice blue convertible , I get inside and start her up, yep Her .... Grace haha yeah I named my car, don't judge!!

I decide today is a beautiful day to go out to the mall , so instead of heading home I text my mom letting her know where I'm going. Then I pull into the mall parking lot. It is a fairly big mall , I guess. I walk inside to the first store to catch my eye Hollister.

When I walk in I see the cutest top and start running for it when I run into something.

Everything goes black.....


~ Later that day ~

" Yeah she just ran straight into it. " I heard a mans voice say, he had a British accent.

" We saw her and help her up. " Another voice said , he sounds different maybe Irish.

" Yeah. " 3 other boys say, all sounding British .

" Okay boys you can stay here until she wake up or leave. " I think a doctor says.

The door closes and I think the strange boys stay.

I slowly start to open my eyes and I'm in a Hospital?

" Hello " A boy with brown curly hair and the prettiest eyes I'd ever seen. He smiles at me.

" Hi, where am I ? "I smile and say.

" You ran into something and we took you here, you had a concussion but you're okay now. " One with blonde hair says, he's cute but not as cute as the other.

" Who are you guys? " I ask these 5 strangers.

" I'm Louis. " A guy with brown hair says to me while he shakes my hand happily.

" I'm Liam. " Another says calmly , he has brown hair also but it's shaved.

" Vas' Happenin , I'm Zayn. " One with black hair says .

" The name's Niall. " The blonde one says smiling at me.

" And I'm Harry. " The curly haired one said , he smiles and winked at me.

I smile and blush a little .

" Hello everyone. Could you guys maybe give me a ride home, my cars still at the mall.." I say laughing a little.

" Maybe you should just come to me flat, you know just so I could keep an eye on you and make sure you're alright and all. " Harry's asks , I could tell he was nervous asking it.

I smile and agree. The other boys chuckle a little. Harry grabs my hand and helps me up, and out of the Hospital. I can't believe I'm going home with a total stranger, but he seems so sweet. He ties me into his car and we head to his flat.

We have a small conversation in the car. Then we pull into a driveway of a decent sized flat.

He opens the car door for me and grabs my head leading me to the door.

" Thank You. " I whisper as I head into his house.

" No Problem Babe. " He says As he walks me to his room.

He throws me one of his shirts.

" Thought you might want something to sleep in. " he says smiling " but you could always

go commando " he says laughing and he winks at me.

I laugh and head to the bathroom to change. His shirt was so comfy . I walk out and he's laying in his bed only in his boxers . I think I stood there just staring at him for an hour!

" Someone likes what they see. " He whispers winking at me and patting the seat next to him.

I go sit next to him. And get under the duvet with him.

I shiver a little and I guess he notices because he wraps his arms around my waist and I snuggle closer to him.

He looks over and whispers in my ear " I know we just met and all but .......

~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE ~~~~~~~~~

Hey Babes!!! Alright so thought of this book and I think it could go very well. Tell me what you guys think. (:


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