Do you trust in fate?
Sometimes you get bad luck and sometimes good. But never the same.
Your not an unlucky person, it's just not for you. You gotta accept it.
And remember that God has better plans for you.
There was a girl who believed that before she fell in love...Let me tell you about her life. Let's start the story from the very beginning!!
Growing up Ashira was a foodie and an emotional girl. When she was born, her parents weren't so wealthy even though they were from two really wealthy family. Her dad worked so hard and her mom trusted that name can have effects on people. So after she was born her mom named her Ashira, which means wealthy.
After her birth, her dad got chance in a big company and within a few months he became a head of a multi national company. Even the ceo loved him very much that he started a business with Ashira's dad. Thinking of her as a luck, her dad did everything she told him to.
Once she just told her dad to buy an AC. Even though she couldn't even talk properly, her dad bought her an AC the very next day.
She was spoiled like a princess but only from her dad and brother. She always felt like he Mother never really liked her. That's actually not true, she got it. But still sometimes she just feel like unloved by her mom for some reasons. She always beats her up. And also say things that hurts her so much. And her mom lawkey agreed that she loves her brother more than her.
Her brother Devin.
There's alot teas about her family which we won't be talking about.Let's talk about her school life.
She got 2 besties. Rodri and Sara. Sara and Ashira are friends from grade 5 and Rodri joined them in grade 6. Sara didn't like Rodri and Rodri always feels like she is third wheeling. Well they had some personal issues that we won't be talking about as well. Ashira tried to get them to like each other but failed. For her they are still a trio. But Sara and Rodri are not wrong as well. They had enough of alot of things.
They know almost everything about Ashira's life.
Ashira doesn't trust in love.
Rodri is single and doesn't really give a shit about her love life.
On the other hand, Sara has a boyfriend who loves her so much. They are in a stable relationship.
But Ashira used to hate her boyfriend Mahir. For which they had a huge fight and ended up not talking for 2 months.
But at the end of the day , they forgave each other and Ashira blamed all the fights on Mahir.
Ashira is a type of girl who will fight and create beef with all the boys. Just because she didn't like them. She is not feminist or hate every single boy. Its just that she hates the boys who are close to Sara or Rodri. Gotta admit she is jealous and scared of friendship break ups or replacement.
Sara is an extrovert girl who basically adopted Ashira when they were in grade 5 and later in grade 6 made Ashira her mother. She always get princess treatment from Ashira, which she admits. And she has good amounts of male friends. And all of them are hated by her only best friend Ashira.
On the other hand. Rodri is introvert but creative. She can organise programs and talk to peoples. Yeah but still will call herself introvert.
Well beside these two, Asira has 3 more close friend Ananya, Maisha, Hana.
The 6 of them became friends in class 7.
Ashira knows the full class and half of them are her friends anyways.
She is an average student who sometimes get bad marks and sometimes top.Let's talk about her personality.
She is honestly such a loyal person. And she can't say no. She can be rude but never tried. She always controls herself fron being rude. She is kind amd sensitive. She can't see others be sad. She'll just hug and comfort them. Since childhood she was Compassionate.
But she was insecure.
She likes to sing, play guitar , yap, and be crazy all the time.Let's talk about her love life now.
She never really dated cause she didn't trust in love. But there were some boys who actually loved her.
Let's start from Hamid.
Hamid was an Indian boy. He had his first heartbreak and met Ashira on social media. Since 10, Ashira was an logical and comforting girl. She can comfort anyone and show them logic at the same time easily. After hearing about Hamid's break up she felt bad and started comforting him.
"Only a fool will leave you and won't love you. I mean come on your perfect." Ashira told Hamid.
After a long conversation and talking sessions Hamid somehow felt something towards her and decided to confess to her and ruin there 5 months of friendship.
"I think I like you" Hamid wrote to Ashira .
After alot of process Ashira replied with
"I'm sorry"
"But you told me only a fool won't love me" Hamid wrote.
"Well then maybe I'm a fool" Ashira replied and felt bad.
"Lol 😂 its fine kiddo I'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable" Hamid replied to Ashira. And that was the last time they actually talked.
After that alot of weird and pervert boys came in her life and she kicked them out. Until she got a male best friend for the first time.
Ahaan was the guy who knew her the most and cared about her alot. They were friends for 2-3 years. He never smoked or drank because Ashira hated those. He always took a good care of her but he was her one of the friend's ex. But her friend didn't mind a thing so they kept being friends.
Ashira trusted him more than anyone back in the time. But she also warned him and told him that she doesn't trust in love.
They used to flirt like couples and found comfort in each other. But Ahaan fell in love. And when he confessed Ashira clearly told him about how she never felt that way and they were just friends.
He took it negatively and they ruined their friendship eventually. He actually waited for her for years. You know right person wrong timing?
She just told herself that they weren't made for each other. But the sudden friendship break up hurted her too.
"I wish I could tell him that i was hurt too and that i would still wanna be friends with him but i know it will only hurt him more." Ashira told her besties while they comfort her.
After the misunderstanding and a hard move on session she never made a male best friend. And also stopped talking to boys cause she didn't want any male friends anymore.
Well after some issues, Ashira, Rodri and Sara made some new friends.
The group was alright. Everything was fine. Until Ashira fell in love for the first time. Yeah that's weird. Love? In a random group of friends? But yeah she started liking a guy named Amaan who was a member of the group. She told her friends about Amaan and they were really shock. And one day Rodri texted Ashira with a weird message.
"There's a love triangle going on in the group" Rodri wrote.
"Wtf is that suppose to mean" Ashira asked.
"You like Amaan and there's a guy in the group who likes you" Rodri got Ashira confused with that
"What do you mean? Wait Tanvir is suspicious." Ashira replied mentioning a guy from the group.
"What do you mean?" Rodri asked
"He is texting me. TELLING ME HE WANTS TO KNOW ME MORE." Ashira wrote
"That should be obvious" Rodri replied making Ashira sure about Tanvir liking her.
"That's so freaking messed up" Ashira told herself knowing Tanvir and Amaan are friends.
The next day Ashira's friend who is also friends with Amaan texted her.
"Dudeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Text himm... i think he likes you too." Dina, Ashira's friend texted
"TF YOU TOLD HIM". Ashira replied knowing Dina told Amaan about her liking him.
"Im not texting I don't know any topic i can write to him bleh" Ashira said being nervous and embarrassed.
She was all red right now.
"Dude you don't know what to write and he doesn't as well. THEN WHO TF GONNA TALK" Dina replied
" i dont know TELL HIM TO TEXT ME" Ashira told Dina
" He is asking me, 'should I write, Was there any gangster or robber who visited your house?' LIKE WHO TF SAY THIS" Dina told Ashira while complaining about Amaan being crazy.
They talker about it for 2 hours until Ashira fell asleep.
Ashira woke up after an hour and one of her friend came to visit. They talked for a while, then Ashira took her phone to check if anyone has texted her for any reasons. That's when she froze on her place and her heart was beating too fast. She couldn't believe a thing. Amaan texted her. She was happier than ever. Couldn't hold back her smile. She wanted to jump and dance but her friend was beside her so she couldn't. That was the day Ashira started believing that a person can get red when they are nervous. Yep she was as red as a tomato. Blushing every moment and her hands were shaking.
"Won't you text me? 🥲" Amaan wrote
She was staring at the text for a long time and didn't know what to say.
"Hehe😀" Ashira replied being nervous af.
Amaan continued the conversation.
Ashira grew obsessed with him. She was so in love. And that's when she knew she broke a rule "never fall in love". But she didn't really care. Amaan used to smoke but he quit.
Ashira wrote and Designed everything about him.
His favourite color, food, sports, height, what he hates, what he loves, his birthday every single detail about him she knows.It's like he is a history chapter that she gotta remember.
Everytime they talk, she'll be smiling for no reason.
"Is this how you feel when your in love? Because that's amazing." She thought to herself.
Amaan was kinda rude or maybe joking most of time but Ashira was to sensitive. He failed to notice that she was sad or angry whenever he was joking about something she hates.
But she would be saying sorry million times even if she is the one hurting. Because she was scared of loosing him. She stopped replying to boys and was always waiting for Amaan to text her.
But one thing about them is, both got bad ego.
Ashira told Tanvir that she loves Amaan. But he would still not give up. He wrote to Rodri how much he loves her.
Tanvir had a bad journey with a girl. They were in a situationship. After the heartbreak he never fell in love. Until Ashira he felt something weird about her. But it turned out to be obsession. He slowly became a red flag so Ashira didn't even bothered with him. She was too busy focusing on Amaan. The only one she adores. She loves and admires.
They started talking about their day. Amaan became a part of her every day's routine.
Ashira noted every dates like when they first started texting, when she fell in love, when did he play his first football match after they started talking.
She gave him space and wasn't pushy about anything.
Once Amaan said that he wanna be committed with her and she found herself dancing all over the house. She told every single of her friends about that conversation.
But they weren't dating because Amaan wasn't ready. Even though Ashira was but she won't be saying this to Amaan in case he'll be uncomfortable.
After alot of months Ashira met Ahaan coincidentally and they were talking again.
Ashira missed him so much so she was holding the conversation. Even though she never wanted to tell him about Amaan but she found herself talking about him to everyone. Ahaan congratulated her and told her how much happy he was for her. Even though he couldn't move on. So he decided to tell her.
"I never smokes or drank because of you. I found myself praying every day. Being happy for no reason. And once you were sick and I ended up praying the whole day for you to get better. I always prayed for a You and me. Even though it never happened. So I gave up. My habits changed. I know there's no reason for me to say this to you. But I just felt like so I did" Ahaan told Ashira.
She had no idea what to reply so Ahaan changed the topic.
"I hope he treats you right"
"I hope to but he is giving mixed feelings and missed signals." Ashira replied knowing Amaan will never love her half as much as she does.
"I hope he won't end everything by saying 'we are just friends what are you talking about' " Ahaan replied
"Dude I always warned you and told you that I never trusted in love. I didn't know that you will actually.. well never mind" Ashira replied being sad and guilty.
"Hmm I know. No worries. Be happy girl. I mean it. I really want you to be happy." Ahaan smiled at Ashira wanting to say more but there's no use.
Ashira smiled back as they ended their conversation and both left.
Ahaan knew that there's no use for waiting for her anymore. So he sighed and smiled with a pure heart which only had Ashira in it.
3 months passed by. It's been 3 months since they know each other and Ashira is falling in love with Amaan every minute.
But things took a turn. They stopped talking. She won't text him first and he won't text her first. They know if it goes like this, they won't be talking ever again. Ashira was praying to god for an hour. If he is made for her then god will let him stay. Still she got no text.
Maybe that will be easy for Amaan. He can move on. But Ashira can't until they get a clear conversation and end everything. She found her happy self crying over a guy.
She, the person who always trusted fate, stopped accepting her fate and praying that he will be hers. She wants him so bad. She doesn't wanna change her password, doesn't wanna remove his photos from her "favourites". She doesn't want to end everything. She wants to be his and she wants him to be hers. Everything was falling apart. Been 2 weeks and they aren't talking. She found him moving on. She has no idea what to do. She wanna make everything clear but then again she can't. Her friends are telling her to move on like that's so easy. She has unseen every negative things in him and always has seen the positive things. She knows he is not a bad person, he just can't treat her the eay she deserves. And that's what hurted her.
Finally she accepted that she fell in love with a person she could never be with.
"I am letting him go.
I accepted my fate.
Maybe he once did like me but that's not how it works.
I always loved him so much and I still do.
But you know, if you really love him then let him go.
It was a hard and fun journey.
But I hope I will never experience it again.
There's a thing I never got to tell you. I love you Amaan. I really do.
And I wish you had shown me that you cared instead of telling me you did.
I'm grateful for everything.
And so I want you to be happy. Like someone wanted me to be.
That's a goodbye."
Ashira wrote in her diary.There's a thing.
Sometimes the person you love doesn't love you like you do. But it's fine cause maybe someone else is there for you and maybe someone loved you once but you just ignored. Don't be guilty if you don't love someone back but don't play with their feelings and show them fake love just cause your guilty. Dont ghost them. And if you love someone just let them go if they doesn't love you back. You deserve better.And yeah your worth more than you think.
Don't ruin yourself or do anything crazy for someone you loved. Love yourself and focus on you. If someone is meant for you then they will be there for you no matter what.
Have a nice and beautiful day!! 🎀

NouvellesDo you trust in fate? Sometimes you get bad luck and sometimes good. But never the same. Your not an unlucky person, it's just not for you. You gotta accept it. And remember that God has better plans for you. There was a girl who believed that befo...