hidden mute (hinata and naruto story)

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It's so cold... water surrounds you...it is dark...where are you. Are you dreaming? "Wake up!" you tell yourself, "wake up"... 

Your eyes fluster open and you take in view of blurry images surrounding you. With a start, you make a jump out of bed, and hurry downstairs, knowing that you're going to get a reprimand for being late for breakfast. You go at the dining table, watching your "perfect" little sister Hanaibi eating, punctual as usual. Your father gives you nothing but a cold glare, and says, 

"You're late, why can't you be like your sister" 

You pretend you haven't heard this statement as your byakugan activates, sending veins around your eyes and your pupils, evolving to no color. You excuse yourself from the dining table, and get ready to train. You need to train to get stronger, better, confident... to prove your worth.  

You walk silently by yourself to meet up with your teammates, your raven colored-hair is tied up, trying to get the masculine look, and your kuinine knives are safely tucked in your navy ninja suit, ready to attack anyone who dares to attempt harm. You see Naruto walking towards you, and immediately you start blushing, twiddling your fingers nervously. 

"Hinata kun!" he says walking up to you. 

"Na-na-Naruto san" you barely reply, stuttering. He leans closer and touches your face, coming closer and closer...and then... 

"Hinata san, why is your face red?"...but before you can answer, you faint by his touch 

"Hinata? Hinata? Hinata san!" you hear him yell...as your eyes slowly closes...

You wake up in a hospital bed, not knowing why you are there as you feel perfectly fine. 

"Geesh Hinata, you gave me the scare, what happened back there," you hear him say. 

You look around to see your teammates, Shino and Kiba with relief on their faces. Kiba smirks and says...  

"Hinata knows the reason why she fainted don't you Hinata Uzumaki?" 

Your face reddens as he states this. Your last name is Hyugga, Naruto oblivious to this remark asks,

"Kiba, why'd you just call Hinata-kun by my last name?" 

Your face blushes more.

Kiba's smirk wider, and says "Nothing, Nothing." 

Out he walks, with Shino following him, soon, you follow them, leaving Naruto with a confused look...

Your training is going well, you feel stronger ... quicker than you were last time. You wonder if your father would be proud if he knew your improvement, but you shake that thought out of your head. That is impossible; you will always be worthless in his eyes, being the shadow of your little sister Hanaibi....

Suddenly, the sky grows darker, and you watch as everyone ceases training, every villager in town cease walking, every bird cease flying, and the leaves blowing faster. A feeling of dread passes through the village, your Konoha village. Perhaps it is an omen. Abruptly, kunine knives fastened with paper bombs starts coming out of nowhere. You watch as the screams of the villagers shudders into your ear drum, as the bombs blows everywhere, and the people scrambling, running to get to somewhere...anywhere. The head Anbu ninjas, and your village leader, the Hokage appear, your teammates, and your comrades from other groups gather, ready to fight. Your byakugan and your vision become 360 degrees perceptive. You see the enemy, while no one can because of your special eyes. 

In your vision, you see a person with a black cloak, and red clouds on it, you know who your enemy is...one of the Akatsuki, your strongest s-rank enemy, the ones after Naruto...the power of the demon that was sealed in Naruto.... 

Naruto, now a chunnin, and probably one of the strongest people in the village, creates his ultimate justsu...Rasen-shuriken. He tells everyone to evacuate and the battle between him and the enemy begins.

The enemy is powerfully strong, yet Naruto is equal. The battle is getting nowhere... Naruto then enters into his nine tail demon form...he reaches his fifth tail, and you know if Naruto goes to nine...he'll be dead...the deadly demon fox will take over. 

You have to stop him...

You run into the battle field...much to everyone's dismay... tears come to your eyes as you see Naruto in his monster form...and the enemy...struggling to keep up with Naruto's monstrous power. "Naruto! Naruto san. Snap out of it. come back" 

You know it's useless, because in this form he cannot tell friends from foe. You confess thinking it's the only way. 

"Naruto-kun - I- I love you," 

You yearn for that to bring his human form back... nothing happens...until, with one swipe of his blazing tail, he wipes you out...and you fall unconscious...

You wake up as Sakura heals you. Everyone is congratulating Naruto for saving the village. Sakura runs to Naruto and hugs him, Naruto warmly hugs her back, you smile sadly as you know Naruto has always loved Sakura... you look up to see your father, his hands on your sister's shoulder and he looks at you with an emotion you cannot trigger. Finally, he says "I'm proud of you Hinata".....

10 years later...

Your hair swings in the wind. You look down at your child kaolin Uzumaki happily. She looks just like her father Naruto. After long years of war...the ninja world is finally at peace. You grow to love your sister Hanaibi, and as for your father...he's proud of you...you are his daughter...Your new Hokage and husband Naruto comes out and wraps his arm around your waist, looking at your child. Nothing could have ever been perfect than this moment, the moment of pure serenity. You are the hidden mute.


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