Right Back At It Again [A Day To Remember fanfiction]

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Ann's P.O.V.

"Walk up in the club like what up? I got a big cock!" I said to my best friend Lexi as we walked into the party. "This place is cray." we smiled and laughed. I look across the room and spot Kevin Freakin' Skaff. Him and his perfect hair. Perfect smile. Perfect face. Just perfect everything. The smile was gone. I hate him. "Can we just leave? Please?" I said turning to Lexi.

Lexi rolled her eyes at me. "Why exactly do you hate Kevin?"

"He's annoying, cocky and rude!"

"Let's just go party hard, okay? Just forget about your hatred towards Kevin. Just for tonight." Lexi said grabbing my hand and dragging me to the beer. "Here drink this." she said pouring it on my head. I gasped and grabbed the cup with the most alchohol in it and I tossed it at her as we laughed while people stared.

"Um. Hey, ladies. Whatcha doin?" Jeremy slurred looking us up and down while laughing.

"Well, Lexi poured her beer on me." I said laughing. I saw Lexi look at him funny and bend over to pick something up. "Lexi? What are you doing?" I turned to her and saw her mischievously looking at Jeremy holding up a beer. She reached over and poured the beer on his head.

"Dude! What the fuck?" he asked looking down at his drenched body. Lexi and I started laughing as the other guys joined us.

"What's going on over here?" Kevin asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you over here?" I asked with an attitude. He laughed sarcastically in my face.

"I was actually talking to Jeremy and Lexi. And besides this is our bus. I can go anywhere I want."

"Well, we are kind of living with you at the moment until our bus gets fixed. So, technically we live here too. So bite me, Skaff!" I said placing my hands on my hips and smiling at him.

He clenched his jaw and muttered under his breath... "I don't know... I might catch something if I bite you." 

Alex smirked. "Ohhh cat fight!"

I started at Kevin, but Josh and Neil grabbed me and held me back. "I'm gonna beat your ass, Skaff!" I screamed trying to pull from Josh and Neil's grasp. "Let me go!" I yelled at them while kicking my legs.

"Not until you calm down, Ann!" Neil said.

Josh looking scared said "I didn't know she could contain such anger in such a tiny body."

"I'm telling you! She caught rabbies from her boyfriend!" Kevin said non-chalantly.

"Fine! I'll calm down if you let me go." I said and stopped kicking. They let me go and I lunged forward at Kevin. This time slapping him in the face. "I told you. Never. Talk. About. Jack like that!" I walked away and sat on the couch. I smiled when I glanced over and saw Kevin rubbing his cheek in pain. "Good." I muttered under my breath.

Lexi's P.O.V.

"Are you okay, Kevin?" I asked trying to hold back my laughter. "Ann! What the hell man?" Ann flipped me off aswalked away. I got ice and wrapped it up placing it on his cheek.

"What the heck is wrong with her?!" Kevin thought out loud as he started walking towards Ann. I grabbed his arm.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going Kevin?" I said pulling him back.

"I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind! She's been different ever since she and Jack started dating. She's never hit anybody before." He said rubbing his cheek.

"Are you stupid? Trust me, don't get too close, she may pounce again. And she won't just slap you in the cheek. Dude, I know, I've grown up with her. She gave me a scar!" I say pointing at my arm.

Kevin eyed my scar. "What the hell did she do?" He asked as his eyes widened.

"Let's just say, you don't wanna know. But I will say this, if she has scissors while she's angry, don't upset her even more." I said shaking my index finger in his face.

"Should I apologize?" He asks, looking over at Ann.

"I would wait a bit longer, let her cool down." I said, patting him on the back.

"Good idea, Lexi. But I just feel so bad for what I said about Jack. I just don't like him! He's not good for her. At all."

"Dude. Why don't you just tell her how you feel? It would make your life so much easier. I hope."

"No. No. No. I think I'll wait." he said starting to blush.

"Kevin Patrick Skafff! You've been saying the same thing since we started 3 freakin' years ago. Grow a pair will ya?! And I say that because I care."

Kevin smirked. "Oh trust me. I have a pair." he said winking.

I rolled my eyes and walked away as I said "Gag me!"

*Three hours later*

"Well... other than the cat fight... I'd say the party went pretty good." Alex said

"Yeah. I'm going to bed." I said walking towards the bunks. "Good night you little shits." I say patting Neil's shoulder as I walk past him. Everyone says their goodnights and we went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2013 ⏰

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