There's something in him that I can't really explain. HE is someone who I really adore, but still doubting him. Whenever I was having a hard time, I always rant on him. I always questioned his works. I always tell him, "why does this happen to me?, why me of all people?, why I need to suffer like this?", but I never asked him what is his purpose for challenging me like this. I've been in a season in my life that I felt like everything is not doing well. Every plans and decisions I made are always a failure. But what I don't know was that it was his way to remind me that He is true. HE is always with me. HE heals me. Everytime I got sick, even how much I got so stuck with the fact that "I'm sick. Again. Another problem. Again", but HE never fails me. HE heals me. HE saved me.
The Power of His Love
No Ficciónshe who fell many times, but now she survived because of him.☝️