Chapter 20: Jasmine

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Imogen was convinced that the explosion in the canteen was another attempt on my life. Kit, who stated emphatically that the fountain was centuries old and had never shown any sign of strain or disrepair, was inclined to agree. They went at once to find Rowan, while I went in search of Brae.

It took me some time to find him; the castle was larger than its Arcan counterpart and I spent some time wandering down corridors more or less aimlessly.

Eventually, as I was walking along a corridor in the west wing, I heard familiar voices up ahead and I turned the corner to see Brae and the Brizan Queen leaving a meeting room together.

I walked towards them, trying to look happier than I felt—I didn't want to voice my concerns in front of Queen Aurelia.

"Hey, Jazz," Brae called happily down the corridor. "What's up?"

"I was looking for you actually, but if you're busy..."

He glanced at the Queen. "It's fine, we had just finished our discussion."

The Queen had been standing quietly watching us, but she stepped forwards now with a poor attempt at a smile. I suddenly realised that this was the first time I had seen her since the opening banquet and that I had never been properly introduced. I had been so caught up in the relief of finding Brae—I must have looked ridiculously rude. "I am very sorry to interrupt, Your Majesty."

"Oh, no. It's fine. We really were finished." Her voice was soft and lyrical.

Brae seemed to remember his decorum too at this point, as he added, "Queen Aurelia, this is my friend Jasmine Dystros. She's the Arcan who orchestrated our escape from the Helian Realm."

"It is lovely to meet you, Jasmine. Our Realm owes you a great debt." She paused, as though debating what she would say next. "I believe that you have been the subject of much interest and speculation during your stay here. You believe that you might be half Brizan?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Half Helian, too."

'But all Arcan," Brae added with a smile.

"I can definitely see the Brizan features," the Queen said, studying me with care.

"We were hoping to learn more about Jasmine's parents during our stay. You said there had been much speculation, does that mean there are rumours as to who they might be?"

The Queen transferred her attention back to Brae. "I am afraid I wouldn't know. I have heard Miss Dystros' name mentioned a few times, but nothing more. I can make some enquiries for you though. But I'm not sure I would get my hopes up. Our relationship with the Helians is stormy and I don't think anyone would confess to... I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound rude. I am sure that your parents would love to come forward, but it wouldn't be easy to do; the revelation would not be well received."

"I understand." Even if I did come across one of my parents, acknowledging me would mean confessing to having a relationship with a Helian, which the Brizans would be unlikely to look kindly on. "Perhaps they would be willing to contact me privately. I wouldn't tell anyone."

"I'm afraid that I really must be going now. I will see you both again soon, I am sure." With that she was off down the corridor and vanishing out of sight.

Brae watched her leave, a slightly bemused look on his face, before linking his arm through mine and turning in the other direction.

"She's been acting strangely all week; she's completely different from the last time I was here."

"Maybe it's the stress of what happened in the Helian Realm, she must have a lot on her plate at the moment."

"Perhaps. It might also be reminding her of the Occupation; that must have been an extremely difficult time for her."

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