Chapter 31: Roxy

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We woke bright and early on the morning of the vote. Well, Tristan did, and I was soon woken up by the racket he made as he got ready.

I sat at the kitchen table gulping down an earthy drink the Sephans drank called chaoua. Tris must have tried on at least five different outfits, rushing out to check his appearance in the large mirror in the living space before going back to his room to change again.

I laughed at him as he reemerged in the very first outfit he had tried on. "I don't know why you are being so complacent," his reflection told me, eyeing me sternly. "This result is possibly even more important for you than it is for me; I'm not the one who is going to die if Erica wins." He opened a large tub and started to brush glimmer dust through his hair. My heart caught in my throat as I watched, so I forced myself to turn away, sparking a tiny flame in my hand instead.

It felt unbelievably good to have my powers back. To enjoy the heat without any pain. As I watched the flames wrap slowly around my fingers, I felt myself calm. Sure, I wanted to see Brae again, to know that I had escaped from the Helian Realm and Cinaer. But right now, having my powers back was almost enough; I felt like myself again.

Tristan groaned and I looked back to see him watching me. "What?" I asked, as the flames glowed brightly.

"Please don't use your powers today! The fire is still fresh in everyone's mind and I don't want them to think that I don't have proper control over you. It will only win Erica votes."

I scowled, letting the flames die down. "Don't look at me like that!" he said, turning from the mirror to face me properly. "If Erica wins you don't stand a chance—she'll have you executed publicly by sundown and I won't be able to do a thing to stop her."

"Fair point," I replied, but my scowl deepened. "So what are you going to do today to ensure that we win?"

He smiled at that. "I will be campaigning outside the meeting hall as people walk in to vote, seeing if I can change anyone's mind at the last minute, or at least confirm the choices of those who were already planning to vote for me."

"And how exactly does the voting process work?"

"People are given a voting card when they enter the hall. Every card has each candidate's name and a photo to make it clear for those who can't read—"

"Wait! What?" I interrupted, astounded. "Some of the Sephans can't read?"

Tristan looked at me shrewdly before replying. "Most can, but we don't want to exclude those who can't—mostly the ones living in the more rural outskirts. Anyway, high and mighty Helian, what's the literacy rate in your Realm? Do you even know?"

Well, now that he mentioned it, I guess I didn't. It wasn't the sort of thing we ever discussed in the palace and I hadn't met many 'ordinary' Helians. I'd never seen the servants in the palace read or write anything, but there was never any need for them to. I didn't have a clue what our literacy rate was. Then again... Was there any reason why I should? Perhaps the reason it was never discussed was because it was a known fact that everyone could read. Maybe there was no such thing as illiteracy in the Helian Realm. Everyone went to school, didn't they? At least, I thought they did...

I tried not to let Tristan's question get to me. He was only a Sephan. He knew nothing about the Helian Realm. Nothing. And that would be his downfall if he took control of the Sephan Realm this evening.

"Right," Tristan said, obviously not waiting for a reply. "I'm going down to talk to some 'ordinary' people, since we Sephans don't deem it below us. I want you to stay up here, out of the way. I'll come and get you when the results are due to be announced, then we can celebrate." He smiled confidently and left the house. I watched from the window as he flew down the rope and was quickly lost in the throng of people heading towards the hall.

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