Poor Unfortunate Soul

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Louis' POV

I am still struggling to get out of the eels grip... Let me tell you that it's much harder than you think. I turned around and saw Liam and Niall trying to keep up with me and the eels, but the eels are too quick. The eels drag me to this dark cave.

Oh no... I heard about this cave before. My parents before they died and Uncle Simon said not to go in it or go in it.

"Come my child. Come." Oh no... the eels brought me to her!

Caroline's POV

I asked for Eleanor and Olly to bring me that stupid mermaid boy that has that 'amazing' voice everyone talks about. It makes me wanna throw up. I tried to sound sweet. "Come my child. Come." I see him still struggling to get free from Eleanor and Olly.

"I shouldn't be here! Your the one who ruins everyone's futures!" I laughed at his comment.

"Child, that was ages ago. Now I've changed." I said.

I see him look like I'm not telling the truth. I need to think of something.... And fast.

Louis' POV

"A little birdie told me that you fell inlove with a human. Is that correct?" She asked me.

"Yes it's true." I said. "But it's so unfair my uncle said it's 'too dangerous' but it's not." I looked down then back at her.

"I know a way to make it fair." She said smirking.

"What is it?! WHAT IS IT?!" I asked excitedly

"You have to become a human yourself. I'll give legs for three days to make him kiss you but on third day if you don't succeed you'll have to go back to a merman and give up your soul to me." She said.

"I'll do it." I said without a second thought.

"Not so fast pretty boy... I'll give you legs if... you give me your voice." She said.

"My voice? I can't there has to be another way." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry there isn't. Your voice for legs?" She asked.

"Uhh-" I stumbled.

I admit that in the past I've been a nasty.

They weren't kidding when the called me, well a witch

But you'll find that nowadays

I've mended all my ways.

Repented, seen the light, and made a switch.

True yes!

And I fortunately know a little magic.

It's a talent that I always have possessed,

And here lately, please to laugh,

I use it on behalf

Of the miserable, lonely, and depressed.


Poor unfortunate souls

In pain, in need.

This one longing to be thinner,

That one wants to get the girl,

And do I help them?

Yes indeed.

Those poor unfortunate souls.

So sad, so true.

They come flocking to my cauldron

Crying, "Spells Caroline, please!"

And I help them,

Yes I do.

Now it's happened once or twice,

Someone couldn't pay the price,

And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em cross the coals!

Yes, I've had the odd complaint,

But on the whole I've been a saint

To those poor unfortunate souls!'

"No Lou don't do it!" I hear Niall yell then he got quiet by Olly.

'You have your looks,

Your pretty face,

And don't underestimate importance of body language!

Come on you poor unfortunate soul!

The men up there don't like a lot of blabber,

They think a boy who gossips is a bore!

Yes, on land it's much preferred

For ladies not to say a word,

And after all dear, what is idle prattle for?

Come on they're not all that impressed with conversation!

True gentlemen avoid it when hey can,

But the dote, and swoon, and faun

On a lady who's withdrawn.

It's he who hold his tongue that gets his man.

Come on you poor unfortunate soul!

Go ahead, make your choice.
She came up behind me and handed me a contract about our deal.

I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day.

It won't cost much, just your voice!

You poor unfortunate soul!

It's sad, but true.

If you want to cross a bridge my sweet,

You've got to pay the toll.

Take a gulp, and take a breath,

And go ahead and sign the scroll!

Eleanor, Olly now I've got him boys,

The boss is on a roll!

This poor un-fortunate so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul!

I shut my eyes and signed the contract. Liam and Niall looked terrified and Caroline looks happy.

Balugga savrugga come winds of the Caspian Sea!

Larenxus glausidis at max laryngitis la voche to me!

"Now sing."

A-a-a-ah a-a-ah I started to sing

A-a-a-a-a-ah (keep singing!)


She had big glowing hands that went down my throat and grabbed a light that must be my voice.

A-a-a-ah a-a-a-a-ah



She had a shell like necklace and shut my voice away. My voice was gone for 3 days. I felt something zapped me on my tail and it hurt really bad. I looked down seeing my tail splitting into two legs.

'Oh crab nuggets humans! Can't last long underwater!' I thought.

I started swimming upwards fast as I could then Liam and Niall helped me. The last thing I heard was Caroline's laugh before reaching the surface.

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