Caroline is Dead!

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Louis' POV

"Uncle Simon?" I asked.

"I'm not talking to you! You should of came to me and talked I would have understand." Yeah right he said that to make me feel bad about myself.

"You wouldn't understand! I love Harry with all my heart! Now I can't even see him again!"

I felt my arms are getting weaker, I look at them and they are getting boney, aw crab nuggets! "What's happening to him?!" Simon looked at me with worried eyes.

"LOUIS!" That sounded like my sisters and brother I look over and there they were.

"I can ex-" I got cut off by Caroline's fin covering up my mouth.

"Great now we have the entire family here to listen to Wittle Wouis stupid story." She tried to sound like a little kid, it was pretty bad.

"He wanted legs, and I gave them to him. I gave him three days to make impression without using his voice to the lover boy. His Prince Charming! He needed the prince to kiss him in that time, the deadline was this sunset. He failed." She told my family.  She started laughing evilly, I feel my fin giving out.

"There must be a way out of it!" I heard Simon say as I fell back and saw my tail is dried up.

"Can't. We had a deal. Unless you like a trade." She smirked, oh no what is she thinking.

"What you thinking?" Simon what are you doing?!

"You'll become a soul if I become the queen of the ocean." No no! Simon looked at me then he pointed the trident at the stroll and change my name to his.

"Ha! It's done then!" The power around moved to Simon and he shrunk fast than me. Caroline pick up he's crown and the trident.

"Finally it's mine. The entire ocean is mine!" She laughed.

I looked over at Simon as a soul. "Simon? I'm so sorry." I feel terrible! I look over at my sisters and brother and they are surrounded by Caroline.

"You! You monster!" I swam to Caroline and start hitting her.

"Get away you stupid fish!" She was trying to hit me, but missed. She the trident pointed at my sisters and brother then they turned into souls too.

"NO!" What have I done?!

"You're next." She turned around to face me and smirked.

Harry's POV

I hopped into a lifeboat and paddled out where I saw Louis was pushed underwater. "Harry where are you going?!" My parents and Ed asked.

"To find the love of my life!" Oh Louis I hope you're not in danger.

"Harry! He's a fish!" He's not just a fish, he's the person I want to marry.

I grabbed the harpoon and dived down as far as I can go. I saw Louis screaming and 5 girls and 1 boy shrunk down into little creatures. "NO!" I heard Louis cry. I need to do this and fast.

"You're next." Oh no you don't. I threw the harpoon at the witch and I swam back up to the surface as fast as I can.

Louis' POV

I guess this is it, I close my eyes waiting for the pain to start. "Oww!" I open them and saw Harry swimming up to the surface and Caroline has a cut on her arm.

"Get that boy!" Eleanor and Olly swam up to get Harry,

"Get away from him!" I shouted. Eleanor and Olly grabbed Harry and pulled him down.

"Say goodbye to your sweetheart." She's gonna kill Harry! I pushed her so she'll miss. Instead she hit Eleanor and Olly.

"No! My poppies!" I heard her sobbing. I swam up to Harry to catch his breath.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"Yes I'm fine, how about you?" I nodded then we felt the ground shake. We looked down and saw Caroline was huge!

We were on top of Caroline's crown and we jumped down. "You get out of here I'll be fine!" Harry yelled at me.

"No I'm not leaving you!" I begged.

"I have a plan just get out of here!" I nodded and swam to the bottom and hid. All the sudden I felt like I can't swim anymore, I looked around and I was surrounded with land. Caroline was trying to zap me with lighting bolts, but I kept on moving away.

Harry's POV

I driving a broken ship towards Caroline. Good thing she's facing the other way. She shooting lighting bolts at the ground, that's probably Louis! "Hey Caroline!" She turned around and I ran the ship straight into her.

"No!" I think I killed her.

"Harry get down from there!" I heard someone yell. I jumped down and swam to shore.

Louis' POV

Harry did it! He killed Caroline! But now Simon and my sisters and brother are back to normal and me and Harry are never getting together. Right now I'm on a rock looking at Harry resting on the shore.

"You really love him do you?" I look behind me and saw Simon to his normal self.

"Yes Simon, I really do. But he's a human, I'm a merman, we're nothing alike." I sighed, I wish I can be part of his world.

I feel funny like something is changing. I look down and saw a light surrounding my tail. I gasped and turned to Simon, he just smiled. I looked down and saw I have legs and clothes!

I ran towards Harry on the shore. "Harry! Wake up! Wake up! I have legs!" Harry woke up and sat up. He got up and smiled. I ran into his arms and he spins me around while I giggle.

"I know you're a merman, but will you marry me?" He got on one knee and pulled out a ring he was going to give Caroline. "Just shut up and kiss me you fool! Of course!" He grabbed my left hand and puts the ring on my fourth finger and get up and kissed me! I pulled back.

"You should know that was my first kiss." He smiled,

"Good, now let me kiss you." [a/n: Kiss You]. With that he kissed me.

A/N: I'm moving my brother to college! It's in Nashville! I live in Philadelphia! It's a long journey! I hope you liked this chapter! Keep smiling!

Bye xx


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