Chapter 5

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When I woke up I got everything that Jackie got me and folded it up, put the shoes back in the box, and the phone and beats back in their cases. My talk with Mr. Anderson inspired me to not only do the right thing but take full responsibility for my actions. I put everything back in their bags and put it by Jackie's bedroom door. I put back on my all black and went downstairs to leave.

Mr. Anderson: Isabella come here for a second

Izzy: look, before you say anything, your absolutely right, I am gonna start owning up to my faults and living with my decisions.

(Walks in Jackie and sits next too Mr. Anderson)

Mr. Anderson: I'm glad you took my advice to mean something. In the end, I may not know you that well but I want you to be happy and if that means sitting in jail for the rest of your life than so be it, at least your not in a graveyard somewhere. You may not have came into my home with the truth but you came into my home searching for an escape from the pain you'd been suffering from. I'm no therapist, but I do know what's your best interest at heart and that you probably didn't want things to turn out how they did but everyone has there own hell and yours is prison. I want you to take my advice and life lessons with you and teach other people about it as well so they can learn the importance of owing up to your consequences.

Izzy: both of you have been great influences on my life and i appreciate that among other things, but I wanted you to hear it from me first, I'm gonna turn myself in to the police down in Oakland and I was wondering if you could give me a ride. I had a long time to think about this decision and like you said yesterday if I'm woman enough to pull the trigger, woman enough to face the consequences of my actions and what better way to do so then to turn myself into the police. (Looking at Jackie) as for you Mrs. Anderson I put everything back that you brought me. I want you to find someone else who's in need of a little spoiling and shower them with gifts like how my mom use to do at homeless shelters. (Looking back at Mr. Anderson) as for you Mr. Anderson, I want to let you know that both of you are great people and soon god will bless you with something amazing.

Mr. Anderson: of course, I'll give you a lift

Jackie didn't say anything that whole entire time but I know she forgave me after lying to her. Mr. Anderson have me some valuable lessons that I can definitely carry with me throughout my life.

This time when I walked outside I didn't cover my face with my hood. I walked to the car and got in.
Michael, Brandon, Shamir, &Randy had to stay back, just because I felt like this is something I needed to handle on my own. It would take us about 10 hours to get there and since it was 8 a.m now, we wouldn't get there till 6 in the evening. The car ride was completely silent until Jackie eventually said something to me.

Jackie: (looking at Izzy) look Isabella, I know your a good kid at heart but the decisions you made were stupid and out of line. I know I'm probably not the easiest person when it comes to protecting my family, but who is? Of course I was pissed at what you said yesterday cause you lied bit then I got a chance to calm down regroup my thoughts and I thought why us?

Izzy: no other family was willing to give me a chance all they saw was poverty and disgust, when some of them opened the door they closed it right back cause they thought negative things about me. Like I said before my initial plan wasn't to betray y'all, I needed an escape, a change in my life, something to escape the hell that I had been in ever since I was born.

Jackie: no who deserves to be lied too, but at the end of the day your doing what's best for you and that's all that matters.

Jackie was absolutely right. I am doing what's best for me, although my mom would be pretty pissed to see the condition I'm in. I was sorry about what I put them through but how many sorry's was it gonna take for them to actually believe me.

After the conversation with Jackie it went dead silent and no one else spoke.

We had been driving for 5 hours which meant we only at 5 hours and a couple of minutes left. It seemed like we were going so slow but apparently not if we're only 5 hours away.

4 hours...


2 hours.....

A hour......

15 min.....


5 min.......

Were finally back in Oakland and nothing has changed. I'd fallen asleep but woke up just in time to see my city. We were right around the corner from the police station but I'd asked Mr. Anderson to drop me off on 1412 E Oakland Ave. We got to Calvin's house and I got out the car and went up to the door and rung the doorbell. Georgia came to the door.

Georgia: Isabella? What are you doing here? I thought you ran away

Izzy: I know, I'm turning my self into the police but I need to talk to Calvin please?

Georgia: (motions for Izzy to come in) come on in. (Calls Calvin down)

Calvin comes down the stairs and is very surprised to see me.

Calvin: Isabella what are you doing here? I have nothing to say to you

Izzy: Can you just hear me out?

Calvin: no. I'm done hearing you out, its time you listen to what I have to say and get out of my house

Izzy: I'm turning myself into the police today, I just needed to see you.

Calvin: we aren't friends, we not family so there's nothing here to discuss. I don't know you anymore so there's nothing left to say, your dead to me, but I'm only gonna tell you this one last time, GET OUTTA MY HOUSE

I could tell Georgia was listening to our conversation, but she didn't do anything about it. Maybe because she needed Calvin to tell me off and that's exactly what he did. I left the house in tears cause I had officially lost the only person who ever meant something to me other than my mom and grandma. Mr. Anderson took me to the police station and let me out.

Mr. Anderson: remember what I said.

Izzy: I know, thanks for everything.


I walked into the police station and everyone looked at me.

Izzy: I want to turn myself in

Det. Smith: I see you came to your senses young lady, (putting the hand cuffs on me) You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?

And just like that, this was the end for me. I keep thinking in my head that this was it for me, I'm gonna die in here. This is what led to me acting like an Adult so now its time to serve my time like one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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