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Inside the Computer, a blank world, with a grid as the floor. But that was it. The rest of the place was just a sky. The floor, the horizon, the sky. All of it. No clouds, just blue...

And there it was. A tiny, soft, round gold orb lied in the center of the grid. It didn't seem alive, before it opened its digital eyes. It looked like a baby! Without legs and arms.. or a mouth.. 

We'll call this little golden speck, "Byte". 

The next part of the story will be in Bytes point of view, which means you will not get to see Kaleida or her father in this next part.

I look around, confused. The whole area looks so bland. Where was my friends? Why am I so small? 

I surround myself in useless thoughts and questions. Before shaking my.. head.. body? Orb? Self? Whatever I am. Snapping out of my daydreaming trance, and moving across the lines of the grid. Searching for my friends. While I moved across the grid, taking turns, stops, and more, I again, had began thinking about what I am, and why I are so small. Knowing that this grid was smaller last time, or I was bigger. I roam the silent world, with nothing else being heard aside from my determined beeps. I continue to explore. It just seemed like an empty world. Where was I? Could my friends be gone? The data?

I suddenly have a memory flash, of which, was me and my friends getting together, forming a massive sphere. Of which must have been a gigabyte. 

I now know what I am supposed to do. So I continued roaming, traveling faster across the lines of the grid, Unable to exit the line, one miscalculation and I would fall off into the endless abyss. Could my friends have fallen off? I stop at a center on the grid somewhere, and turn to the side. My face lowered down to the bottom, as I was now gazing below me. 

I eventually got knocked back, sending me flying across the line of the grid. But I felt bigger than usual. Did I collide with a friend? Could each time a friend runs into me, or I run into them, I get larger and larger?

I nod it off, and turn. Heading wherever I had thought one of my friends had came from. But nothing was there. I had seemed so confused, and lost. I couldn't take this... the world and abyss suddenly had gone black.

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