16: It's Not Over Yet

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Chapter 16: It's Not Over Yet

When Snape arrived back at his quarters he hit his desk with brutal force, making the picture of Lucy there shake. He sat down and glowered at the test papers: his life had officially hit an all time low. If Lockhart couldn't find Lucy he'd ensure he made his life the ultimate hell. Then, he'd tear the whole castle apart looking for the entrance to the chamber and wouldn't rest until he found Lucy.

He placed both hands upon the top of his desk and started to sniff. His eyes burnt with anger and slowly but gradually a tear slid down his face. He slashed it off in annoyance just as a knock came at the door.

"Go away!" He barked, not in the mood for anything much.

"Snivels, if you don't open this door I'll just go to the chamber myself." It was a girls voice and it took Snape a moment to register the stupid nickname.

He left his desk and opened the door.

There stood Shona, she wore her normal clothes and had a small backpack draped across her shoulder. She held her wand securely in her hand and there was no expression on her face as the demon teacher spoke to her.

"You're lying to me to lure me out of here so you can pull another practical joke, aren't you?" He glowered at her but a big part of him wanted Shona's claim so desperately to be true.

Shona stared him down. "No, I've come to prove I'm not the idiot you think I am. Not only that but I fell a little sorry for you; Lucy is all you have and I thought maybe you'd want to help me save her."

Snape uncrossed his arms. It felt strange to have someone he'd belittled try and help him, he was certain there was a catch. It took him a moment to realise that perhaps there wasn't and this was in fact kindness on Shona's part.

Shona noticed that his face had softened. "It's settled then — onwards and upwards to the ladies lavatory!"

This made the foul expression return to Snape's face. "This certainly is a joke."

"Certainly not," she imitated. "Now come on, otherwise I'm leaving you to sulk in the dungeons."

Shona began to walk away, Snape watched her go. He then growled, made sure he was in possession of his wand before following her lead.

Shona hoped what she was doing was going to help Snape; not that she wanted to admit it.

When they arrived at the lavatory door Shona turned to Snape with a smirk. "Bet you don't come in here often, Snivels boy," she remarked as she pushed open the door.

Snape ignored her words as he followed her in. "How are you certain that this is the entrance? Of all places surely not here."

"Before Hermione was Petrified she had a note in her hand about a Basilisk and where it chills out when it's not out to stun. Harry and Ron asked me to be here so I guess we're all going together."

"But why — ?"

"Shh, let's look for the entrance," Shona began poking around as Snape stood there awkwardly. He could only imagine one of the female Professor's patrolling and finding him standing there and the look on their face. He cringed inwardly and prayed that he wouldn't get caught.

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