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The gorgeous and sexy Jill Scott is played by Isabella Pearce.

And I have to change a few things from the excerpt that most of you read in 'IASWY'. To me, it is better and more logical this way... And someone.. Not necessarily stole but it was like she published her book first and it was kinda like what I was writing about but no one is going to believe me because her following is wayy bigger than mine. Basically we had the same idea in a sense. I still love her though but our personalities are really alike as I can tell through reading her work. I have never talked to her because a lot of people hit her up but she is a GREAT writer.

Her book is called Risk It All and you should check it out, it's about Jidenna. I will probably not read it until I'm through with this book because I don't want anyone to think I stole her idea or chapter ideas, seriously.

I'll probably message her and explain everything before some else gets a chance to try to make me out to be a bad person in her eyes.

Sorry, I just have to address that because it was getting to me bad. I was on the verge of just deleting this whole thing and writing something else.


...from the last book of an unforgettable story, I have nothing else to say..or write.

Once I think of another remarkable idea, I will be back.

Izzy P.

I proofread my blog posted and hit the post.

At times, I wonder if anyone really reads my blog, I know that the readers from my other books I have published like it to see when I will be putting out another book.

They constantly ask me that same question on my Twitter, Instagram and Facebook page.

It doesn't matter to me because it's not my personal pages but the pages I use my writer name under, Izzy P.

But it's nice to have a little support and motivation even if I don't want to admit it.

No one but my best friend, Adrianna, and my brother, Kennedy, knows that I even have written books before.

I rather not be seen so people won't judge me by my looks before they even have the chance to read my books.

To my readers, all I am is a name and I'm totally fine with that.

I looked up at the clock.


My mind started to go into overdrive, I have to be at work by 8:30am and my workplace is almost an hour away.

I quickly closed my laptop, pulled my one of my black suits out of my closet, slipped on my high heels and headed out of the duplex apartment that I conveniently share with my best friend. I knocked on her door a few times and started to take the curlers out of my hair.

"Where you been? I was about to leave you," Adrianna opened her door and disappeared into the kitchen.

I walked in and started putting on my skirt. "I'm sorry, I got busy with my blog," then I took off my blue rode and grabbed the purple blouse that I had with the outfit.

She emerged out of the kitchen with two to-go cups of coffee on a tray and a blueberry bagel with cream cheese. "You going to be out of a job if you keep fucking around," she took a big bite of her bagel. "You want one?"

I shook my head and put on my jacket. "I can barely fit my clothes now,"

She handed me the other coffee she made for me. "You trippin' Bella, you are sexy! It's probably that big rack you got,"

"Whatever, can we go, please?" I took a sip of the coffee.


Unfortunately for us, we didn't arrive at work until 9:15am. Adrianna and I work at a publishing company called Skyline Activations, she is the front desk secretary and I'm one of the head publishers under the boss. Adrianna got me this job a few months ago and thankfully, since I have a business degree, I started higher than most. Basically, my job is to look at different books writers have sent in and see if they are worthy to be shown to the boss, who has the last say in all the decisions all the head publishers make, and to make sure the books are publicized to the world.

"You're late," Brianna, an assistant that was filling in for Adrianna, said as we walked inside the sliding glass doors. "Mr. Graham notice you were not here," she said to me.

I sighed softly. "Great, did he say anything?"

"Just to go his office when you arrived," she started to get her stuff together so Adrianna can take over.

Even though I have never had a conversation with the man, I heard Mr. Graham is not a force to be dealt with, he has been known to give people a hard time just because he can. I was told to stay on his good side but since I haven't even said a "hello" to him, I didn't understand how this was possible.

I pressed the button on the elevator as it came down from the 15th floor, which is the floor my cubicle is on. "Thank you, Bri," I waved as the elevator doors closed.

"Don't you look stunning, Isabella," Andrew, another head publisher said to me as I had my back to him. Sure, I knew he was in here too, I just didn't care.

I rolled my eyes. "Andrew," I acknowledged his presence at last.

Andrew is, how can I say this nicely, a kiss-ass. He always sucks up to Mr. Graham to get all the good accounts and to get all the books he recommends to get published, even if they suck. If I push or recommend a book, it probably pretty good. And even then it hard for me to get on a word in, Mr. Graham doesn't even look my way at meetings.

Thankfully, the elevator made a direct stop to my floor. I walked out and over to my cubicle, which happens to be right in front of Mr. Graham's office, and set my purse on my desk.

Once I didn't have anything else in my hands, I walked over to his office, the door was open so I just walked inside and sat in the chair across from his desk. His desk was like any other CEO's desk, pictures of his supermodel wife, picture of kids I suspect are his, the whole nine.

"Ms. Pearce," Mr. Graham walked in with his signature mug that has OVO on it, no one knows what it means. "Good morning,"

I'm surprised he knows my name.

I smiled. "Good morning, I was told you needed me,"

"Yes," he took a sip of his coffee. "I want you to lead the publishing of the book, 'That House On Anderson Street', I want you and only you to decide if that book gets published under our name," he handed me the file.

"Thank you, sir. I am so honored that you picked me," I opened the file he gave me and a hard-drive fell into my lap, I picked it up. "What is this?"

"That is the book, didn't I tell you we're going green?" he flashed a smiled.

He has never smiled at me before, I wonder why now? But to be honest, his smile does look familiar.

He stood up and stretched out his hand, waiting for me to shake it.

I shook up and did just that. "Thank you, sir,"

When I grabbed his hand, I felt a warm sense of pleasure tingle throughout my body.

Did I just get turned on by a simple but wonderful handshake from my boss? Do I even care? I need a man.
*le sigh*


I am not sure how I want to portray my Aubrey in this story. I'm kinda mad at him for kissing on that woman...*long eye roll* I might even kill him off! KIDDING PEOPLE! it wouldn't be a Drake Fanfiction without Drake.

No, like, for real! I was, like devastated with I saw that shit somebody shared from the shade room on facebook. And my friend KNEW that Drake is my husband because I HAD the bottom picture in the M/M as my cover photo. Now, I know Drake aka my baby daddy is not going to be single forever and I just might die whenever he..he..*tear* gets...married. Writing these books, especially the ones with me as, well, me, made me crazy! I am tooooooo emotionally invested in this man y'all! Help ME! I need therapy!

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