✴Chapter Three✴

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When you have a choice between going to the club or working on an assignment for work that is due that next day, choose the assignment, for me, please?

-Love, Izzy P.

I lifted my head up as I felt someone shake my shoulder.

"Isabella? Sleeping?" Andrew had this smug look on his face as I looked up at him. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen,"

I rubbed my eyes gently. "I have a headache,"

"What? Too much gin and juice at the club with your   homies last night?"

Yes, this white guy just said that to me...

Before I could say anything else, one of the mailroom workers, Ethan, came to my defense.

"Andrew, don't you have some country music convention to get too?" he handed him his mail.

I hate when people stick up for me, especially when I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself in a more efficient and subtle way but I am going to let this slide because Ethan has always been nice to me.

Andrew said something under his breath and walked away.

"That guy is a complete idiot," he handed me a couple of envelopes. "How are you doing today?"

I smiled shyly. "Pretty good, how is Jackson?"

Jackson is his son, he is a single parent, his girlfriend dead in a car accident a few years ago.

"Better, his fever gone and he loved that chicken and dumplings you made," he smiled.

"I'm glad," I started opening up the mail. I glanced back up and he was still standing there, watching me. "I really need to get back to work,"

Ethan blinked a few times like he was in deep thought about something. "Right, see you later Isabella,"

I smiled and nodded as he started walking away.

As I was about to look at the letter I received, Mr. Graham walks out of his office.

I looked up at him and our eyes meet as he took a sip of his coffee gently.

Am I jealous of that coffee cup?

"Can you come to my office and bring your presentation?"

I nodded and took the office flash-drive off my key ring.

Hopefully, I can wing this thing and buy some time or car like I read the book.

After I grabbed my folder, I walked into his office. He pulled out my chair and walked over and sat in his chair. "Okay, should our company publicized this book?"

"That is a great question, if we publish this book under our name, the book itself is guaranteed to be a success,"

"How can you be so sure, do you have stats or records of this for this type of book?" he pointed out.

And...we started going down from here...

"Not exactly but these types of books sell quickly," I honestly don't know what kind of book it is but it sounded good when I said that.

He eyed me. "Ms. Pearce, I'm shocked that you would even say that. You have been doing this type of work for almost five years, you should know better than anyone that Historical Fiction doesn't sell well when we publish it,"

I did know that...I honestly thought it was a horror book, 'The House On Anderson Street'? Come on, that sounds scary.

"Did you even bother to read it?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

Why is this turning me on all of a sudden..

I put my head down and gave in. "No sir,"

"Turn in your card key and the assignment folder, you're suspended, without pay, until further notice," he stood up. "It would be wise if you would just get out of my building without saying a word," then he walked out, leaving me standing in the middle of his office.

I tossed the folder, and the hard-drive, on his desk and marched to my cubicle. I picked up my purse and my address book before making my way to the elevator.

"Early lunch break?" Andrew walked to the elevator as I walked in.

"Go suck a dick Andy," I said as the elevator doors closed. I am already pissed and I don't have time for his shit.

When I finally made it to the first floor, I saw Ethan and Adrianna chatting with each other.

I tried to walk by them without saying anything but Adrianna stopped me.

"Who pissed in your coffee?" Adrianna said to me making me stop in my tracks.

I shook my head, knowing Ethan would be listening. The last thing I want is for people to know I was slacking off at my job. "I'll talk to you at home,"

This day has been ridiculous and it's only 11am...

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