Playful Torture

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WaRnInG: This chapter involves smut/lemon. If you wish to keep your innocence and/or have disliking towards this for whatever reason: Simply run the hell away screaming, there's still hope for you. Mine not included though. My reasoning: You're on the Internet which is no place for innocence. It slowly corrupts and taints every mind it touches. If you are in need of guidance or an escort, my apologies, I currently do not wish to leave my surprisingly, suddenly comfortable bed at the moment.

~{•☆°◇°☆•} ~○~{•☆°◇°☆•} ~○~{•☆°◇°☆•} ~○~{•☆°◇°☆•} ~○~{•☆°◇°☆•} ~○~{•☆°◇°☆•} ~

~•/°/•/°Kamrin's POV°\•\°\•~

I entered our bedroom expecting to find Felicity fast asleep and as I assumed; she was. Although, I wasn't quite expecting her to be sitting on a chair in front of the bed. I shrugged it off, noticing her cheetah ears folded flat on her head and her tail gently swaying underneath her as soft purrs left her lips.

A grin spead across my face as I was about to turn and leave to let her enjoy the rest of her nap but something else I surprisingly didn't notice caught my eye.

She was wearing fancy black stockings, gloves and underwear accompanied by a small, leather jacket and boots.

"Well damn," I thought subconsciously licking my lips and stopping to admire the mouthwatering scene in front of me a little longer.

The back of the chair was turned towards where I stood but she was sitting on it backwards, facing me. She sat straddling the chair seat, with her legs bent and back arched (Probably showing off that big butt of hers), and her arms crossed in front of her over the back of the chair with head rested on them.

I nearly moaned at the sight before me. "Perhaps I should wake her," I thought chuckling.

"Dammit Felicity, I warned you not to dress like that unless you want me to fuck you because it's gonna end up happening," I joked, smirking and obviously being sarcastic.

Her ears perked up and she looked straight at me probably rewinding my words through her head before smiling seductively and asking "What if those were my intentions?"

Before I could respond, she stood, walked over to me, dragging the chair behind her. Then, with no warning, she stopped, flung it around behind me and forced me to sit in it.

I gasped at her sudden movements and she smirked, crawling on my lap in a similar position to the one she was in beforehand, keeping my hands pinned behind me, between the chair and my back.

I licked her cheek and spoke lowly near her ear, feeling her body shudder against mine. "Then don't be surprised when you get what you're looking for." She giggled before slowly running her bottom lip along the edge of my ear and whispered "Take me. Torture me. Make me scream and moan your name until I can't breathe." Her warm breath passing over my ear sent shivers down my spine.

It went quiet for a moment and next thing I knew I felt her warm, wet tongue slide up my neck. I flinched a bit in surprise, causing her to giggle again. "Wuss," She teased. "Oh, shuddup you," I joked. She fell silent again, running her tongue back down before beginning to kiss and suck on the skin at the nape of my neck.

I let out a soft moan, tilting my head, giving her more access to the spot and she began nibbling and sucking at the sensitive skin harder through her teeth. I groaned and bit my lip, stifling another moan and I felt her frown against my skin, stroking and petting my tail afterwards, immediately causing me to shut my eyes as a deep purr rose from the back of my throat.

I groaned again, opening my eyes to look at her and telling her to stop. "Why?~ It's adorable," She asked with that pretend innocent look on her face. I growled and glared at her in a playful manner but soon turned away feeling a slight blush coming on. "No, it's not and stahp calling me adorable," I told her hoping she didn't notice my face flushing and tease me even more for it. She smiled mischievously. "Make me."

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