Chapter Two

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     Hunter felt lucky that Sebastian hadn’t pestered him in the morning as they got ready for classes. That is, until they had their usual post-1st period mocha in the cafeteria. “Are you ready to tell me the truth?” Sebastian asked

     ”The truth about what?” Hunter asked in return. “Your tie is terribly tied, your blazer needs ironing, we need to pick up dance rehearsals again, I think your-“

     ”Yeah, speaking of dance rehearsals, why haven’t we had them?”

     ”I’ve had other things to do.”

     ”Like what? Sleep all day?” Sebastian criticized. Sebastian continued before Hunter had a chance to respond. “I know something’s wrong. Don’t even try telling me I’m wrong.”

     ”I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!” Hunter yelled. Part of the caf got quiet, and Hunter lowered his voice. “Just leave me alone.” He stood up and walked out of the cafeteria angrily as Sebastian sighed wearily.


     “I’m not giving up, Clarington,” Sebastian stated as he gathered his things for lacrosse practice.

     “HOLY CRAP!” Hunter yelled. “If you’re going to keep bothering me, I’m going to ask the dean to let me switch dorm partners.”

     “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

     “Really? And why not?”

     “Because I’m the only one who’d actually care for you.”

     “Sebastian, I am not a charity case, so stop treating me like one.”

     “I’m not trying to pity you. I’m trying to help out a friend.”

     “When have I ever said we were friends?” Hunter snapped. “I’ve had guys crush on me before, it’s no big deal.”

     “I don’t have a crush on you! I just care about my stubborn ass Warbler captain!”

     “Well don’t fucking worry because I’m fine and I don’t need your help.”

     “Can you at least admit that there’s something wrong?”

     “Shut up and get to practice, Smythe,” Hunter demanded. Sebastian shook his head and walked out, leaving Hunter to his own devices.

     He flopped down on the bed, refusing to cry. He acknowledged that he was pushing away someone who might actually care, but didn’t want that to change. He could take care of himself after all. He took another scalding hot shower in an attempt to sooth his aching body. At least in the shower, Hunter couldn’t tell the difference between his tears and shower water. The water began to cool, so he stepped out and looked at himself in the mirror again. With Sebastian out at practice, as the usual practice, Hunter left the bathroom with his shirt off. He sat down at his desk and sighed at the blank US Government homework in front of him. He sighed and did what he did best: Ignore his emotions.


     “Smythe! Keep it up! You’re leading the team to a state championship, I can feel it!” Sebastian’s coach called from the sideline. Sebastian hit the sideline for a chug of Gatorade when his coach approached him personally.

     “Sorry Coach, I didn’t mean to stop practice,” Sebastian apologized. He knew full well that the varsity lacrosse coach was the strictest coach at Dalton.

     “Don’t apologize.”

     “I’ve just been exhausted, and there’s been a lot on my mind, and… Wait, did you just tell me not to apologize?” Sebastian asked wide-eyed. His coach nodded and replied,

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