Chapter Ten

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     “Dude, are you high?” David asked. Sebastian looked up from his bowl of oatmeal and glared at him. “Have you looked in a mirror lately? Your hair’s a mess, your eyes are bloodshot, you’re not eating…”

     “I’m fine. Just tired. I was up all night.”

     “Doing what?” Sebastian looked back down at his oatmeal and answered to himself, ‘Crying…’ But instead, he answered David,

     “Warbler business.”


     “Bro, are you high?” Nick asked. Hunter lifted his head off the table to glare at so-called Niff.

     “Yeah, your hair is all over the place, your eyes are bloodshot and you’re not eating. Usually you’re eating a whole tray of food.”

     “I was just up all night…” ‘Crying’ he mentally added. “I needed to work on Warbler stuff.”

     “Why? Regionals is next semester. You should be getting some rest.”

     “I don’t need-“

     “Hunter, don’t try playing games with us anymore. We know you.”

     “Really? Do you really think that?”

     “Hunter-“ Before they could continue, Hunter stood up from his chair and when he turned around, he bumped into Sebastian. His breath hitched and he hesitated as he looked into Sebastian’s cold eyes.

     “I have to go.”


     Sebastian entered his empty dorm room and flopped down on his bed. It felt good finally getting to lie down on his own bed. He spent the last night sleeping in the Senior Commons. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard Hunter’s phone go off. He got up to look at his boyfriend’s phone that was left on his nightstand.

RJ: Hey baby, it’s Saturday… You’re coming home tonight right? How about a quick pitstop at my place? ;) Your boytoy doesn’t have to know…

     Alarmed, Sebastian unlocked Hunter’s phone with ease and looked at all of the past texts… The threats, the shameless flirting, even the rather disturbing nudes. Sebastian was glad that Hunter was able to resist, and didn’t send very flirty texts or nudes himself. But the texts were proof and clues enough that Hunter had been hiding a majority of the situation form him. He screenshotted the texts and emailed them to himself before he ran out of the dorm room in a hurry.


     “Trent, it’s so fucking hard…” Hunter cried onto the fellow Warbler’s shoulder. “I tried so hard to stay calm about these nightmares… They just kept coming back, and it’s all too familiar to me… Those 2 nights… The threats, the abuse…” Hunter screamed and hot tears continued to fall.

     “Hunter, you need to tell him. He needs to know everything…”

     “NO!” Hunter protested. “I can’t hurt or worry him more than he already is… Hell, I don’t even know if he cares at this point. He goes from caring to pissed off within seconds… I don’t know…”

     “He’s your boyfriend. You care about him, and he cares about you. Don’t you trust him? He can get you help.”

     “But Trent, he’s already in danger. I refuse to let him dig himself deeper.”

     “But he wants to… For you.”

     “I refuse to let him put himself in more danger!”

     “And why is that?”

     “Because I fucking LOVE him okay!” Hunter screamed. As soon as he said it, he sobbed even harder, and fell onto Trent’s lap. Trent rubbed his back and listened to Hunter cry. “I can’t keep losing him…”

     Sebastian bit his lip, shutting his eyes tight to keep himself from crying. He silently left the commons from the back door, trying to take in all that he heard. Mindlessly, he grabbed his phone and began dialing. Just when he thought it would go to voicemail…

     “Sebastian?” the rough voice asked.

     “Hey dad…”


     After a long conversation with his father, Sebastian entered the dorm room to the sound of Hunter crying under his bed sheets. Hunter stopped sniffling as he felt Sebastian’s presence. He sat up in bed, and through puffy red eyes, he looked at Sebastian who looked excited and nervous all at once. “If you’re here to yell at me again, save it and just take your stuff.” Sebastian walked towards Hunter in silence and sat next to Hunter on his bed.

     “I’m not here to yell at you,” Sebastian whispered, rubbing soft circles with his thumb on Hunter’s cheek.

     “Then why-“ Before Hunter could finish, Sebastian kissed Hunter passionately. Both boys’ breath was taken away. Hunter deepened the kiss by moving his lips in sync with Sebastian’s. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian’s neck, as he fell backwards, Sebastian landing on top of him. He steadied himself so his weight wasn’t all on Hunter. Hunter pulled away first. “Bas-“

     “I’m here to save you.” Sebastian sat up, and crawled under the covers next to Hunter. Hunter wrapped his arms around Sebastian’s waist and inhaled deeply.

     “I don’t want to lose you…”

     “I know…” Hunter sighed, building up his courage.

     “Sebastian, I-“

     “I love you,” Sebastian finished. Hunter’s mouth fell open, and his lips turned up into a smile.

     “I love you too…” Hunter whispered.

     “I wanted to say it first,” Sebastian whispered.

     “Why… Why’d you come back?” Hunter asked. Sebastian frowned as he rubbed Hunter’s back.

     “Hunter, I overheard you and Trent talking in the commons,” Sebastian admitted. Hunter sighed. “But you have to know that I’m not doing this because of guilt. I’m doing this because I really do love you. I want what’s best for you.”

     “Doing what? Coming back?”

     “Baby… Don’t get mad… I just want-“

     “Sebastian what the FUCK did you do?” Hunter yelled.

     “I called my dad.”

     “Why would you do that?”

     “Do you ever want this to end?”

     “Did you not pay attention to what I told Trent?” Hunter asked, tears building up. “RJ will do everything he can to destroy you…”

     “And I will do everything I can to end this.”

     “I can’t lose you!”

     “You won’t. My father says you’re coming home with me next week.”


     “Don’t Bas me, Hunter. We’re going to win this.”

     “I just… I’m worried.”

     “I know. But please just trust me. I’m not going anywhere.”


Thank you so much for the patience in me... I know I haven't updated in a week, but school has been a major pain in the ass. Tests and projects... Why do teachers decide to cram everything in the last month? Anyway, I apologize for the writer's block on this one. I'm losing motivation for this story... Likes/Votes/Spreading the word would help me so much. Thank you for reading up to this point though! -

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