Moss jolted awake, the storm's thunder shook the earth, making her wake up. She got up, her bones aching with exhaustion. All she wanted to do was take a nap. Of course, the weather had other ideas for her.
Moss's white fur seemed to glow in the moonlight, the only non-visible parts were her black paws. Her hazel eyes glowed with exhaustion as she peered across the yard outside of her den.
Her small shape made it easier for her to hunt and, well, sneak anywhere without being seen, Although sometimes, actually most of the time, she hated her small body, mostly because her friends were all bigger than her, not by a lot, but it was still a big height difference. A gray mutt sat outside in the rain, her fur soaked in it, yet she didn't mind. Her eyes were light brown. She peered over at Moss, surprised to see her friend, she knew Moss didn't like the rain.
"Hey Moss!" her friend greeted her, "Here for some rain, eh?" the gray dog teased. Moss shook her head, suddenly realizing how wet her fur was, "pfft, Shut up Heather." she teased back.
"You'll get used to the rain soon enough." Heather assured her friend as Moss walked over to the shade of a tree. Moss groaned in sarcasm as her friend laughed at her respectfully. Heather's face lit up with an idea.
"Remember, We are hunting at dawn, got it?" She said to Moss. she nodded in acknowledgement. Moss didn't like waking up early, she didn't think any dog did but hunting was one of her favorite things, so she couldn't say no.
Heather shrugged, looking at the sky, "Anyway, " she mumbled to Moss, "lets go inside, it's getting late and we'll need sleep for tomorrow" Moss sighed in relief as they walked over to the den, flopping down in her nest.
"It's just like Heather to stay up in the rain" Moss perked up as she heard the comment from Laika, a golden retriever who sat in her nest, drowned with exhaustion. A dog next to her grumbled, "ughhh, let me sleep, you dirt-bags" . It was a dark brown lab, his fur sticking out in exhaustion and he curled up once again, "Ohhhhh ok Shadow, your majesty!" Heather groaned in sarcasm.
Exhaustion poured over Moss as she woke up, a paw tapping her multiple times. She stumbled out of her nest, "IM UP!" She gasped, looking at Heather. Heather snorted, "I thought you'd sleep forever!" she grumbled.
Moss groaned, starting to walk out of the den with Heather, "I wish." Heather walked beside her, "alright, we'll go separate ways to get prey, got it?" she told Moss. Moss nodded, "Alright" she told her friend, "I'll catch something."
Heather walked away, heading in the direction of the river near the edge of the pine forest. Moss walked toward the oak forest. She lifted her nose up to smell the air, she picked up the scent of a mouse. She headed toward it, soon finding it under a pile of leaves.
She raced toward it. Unfortunately, the mouse picked her scent up by hearing her pawsteps and smelling her scent. Moss growled, I WON'T let this mouse get away! She remembered her friend and her sister who had passed in a fire. They would've been proud, but would they be watching now? Could they hear or see her?
She snuck up on the mouse, pouncing quickly as she killed the mouse, FINALLY! She thought. She looked around the forest, staring at the mouse in her paws, she asked, "did you see that, Rosie and Sunny?" she mumbled, "Did you?"
She picked up the mouse and started to walk back to the den. She stopped suddenly. Should I follow Heather's scent trail? She thought, would her friend be mad if she followed her? Probably not. They were on a hunting trip together, she had a right to meet up with her.
She followed the trail, because of the rain last night, it was easy to see where her friend was because of the paw prints in the mud. She approached a small river. She sniffed in, Yup, Heather had been here. She stepped into it, quickly swimming to the other side. She climbed out, shaking her fur as droplets of water went everywhere.
She spotted Heather behind a bush she crept out, no interest in trying to hide. She spotted a bigger gray dog, their ears were pointed up and curved like. Heather spotted Moss, making Heather sigh in relief.
Heather stared at her, then she spoke, "ok, Moss, will you, uh...maybe get Shadow and Laika?" she asked, Moss could see her paws shifting with unease. "Like right now, maybe?" she added when she looked at the dog in front of her.
Moss sighed, "of course, I'll be here in a minute" she walked away in the direction of the den. Just like Heather, the unease was bothering her. How exactly would they trust this dog, and who was he, and what exactly did he want?
Laika yawned, tired. Shadow stared at her. "What is so important that we have to be woken up now?" he asked.
Moss stared at him, "You'll see soon enough, come with me" she walked out of the den, ready for the "talk" with the strange dog. She sighed as she quickened her walk and then thought, Who is this dog? And what do they want? She thought again. No way she was going to trust this newcomer.
And if she needed to, she'd demand a reason.
Tunnels of Trickery - book 1 (Endless cave)
Fantasía-------- A group of four dogs have been living with each other, taking care of one another as if they were siblings, but when a dog approaches one of the members and imprisons all of them, they have to stick together and use their strengths to fight...