Chapter 2

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The following day, Aisha sleeps peacefully without any of her dreams like yesterday. As she woke up she look at the mirror and see something new to her. It is her face that becomes more beautiful like a rose. She smiles and wave her hair using her hands. "Good morning Aisha" she went downstairs to eat. Maki looks at her with a bread in his mouth. "You look pretty today, is it because of the ceremony?"

"No brother. It's because I had my beauty sleep" she smiles.

"Beauty sleep huh?" he continue to eat.

As she goes to school she kissed goodbye to her mother. She is singing while walking to school. She met some students along the way but they avoid her and whisper to each other. Aisha didn't mind it for she set her mind to never be affected on what others do. At the corner she see Haru and Lan but they too avoided her. "Wait! Haru….L—"before she says Lan's name he grab Haru and runs fast as he could. "They really avoided me too" she sighs. She turns in the school gate. The students turn their back to her as she is going to the gym for the ceremony. She take her seat but the students beside her move to another seats. She just sighs and wait the program to start. The students are gathering. A teacher approaches her "could you move at the back for there are lots of vacant seat around you. The students can't seat when you are around." Aisha just nod and move at the back. She look at her side and see Rian. She waves and smile to him but he ignores her. She just sighs again looking sadly.

The program starts, she listens very well to the students who are recruiting members for their clubs. At the middle of the program she notice that Rian is not anymore at his seat. She went outside to look for him. She look everywhere but she can't find him. She decided to go back but as she going back she see some students behind the school building. The students are on the ground and only a guy stands backward at the middle. "What's—happening here?" she says while shaking. She felt fear as the guy turns at her. It was Rian having red eyes. She was shocked seeing the rumor true. As she look at his eyes she notice his coldness and sadness. Aisha went closer to him to see if it is actually true but as she step her right foot Rian eyes went in anger. "Don't dare to go any further!". Aisha suddenly stops but she still continues to go to him. He is surprise for no one dare to go to him after he said that words. She is almost there but Rian started to leave. She runs to him and grab his arms "This isn't true". Rian turn to her. They were looking at each other directly to the eyes. Aisha started to remember her dream. Her head starts to ache. She crouches down while holding her head. She is screaming in pain. Rian hugs her tightly as he could to ease her pain. He squeezed her too much making her to lose her consciousness.

It was already 2:00 pm when she woke up at the infirmary. She get up and see the nurse beside her. "are you now okay? You're not feeling dizzy anymore?"

"Dizzy?"she asks.


"But I don't remember being dizzy"

"Are you sure? You fall unconscious when you went here"

"But If I recall I was in the gym for the ceremony"

"Yes but you went here"

"No one carried me here?" she asks but the nurse just nods. "But I felt that someone hug me and carried me here"

"Maybe it was just your imagination"

"Well okay" she went to leave

"Are you sure you're okay now?" the nurse asks her at the door.

"Yes, thank you" she smiles.

"What a pity girl. She doesn't remember a thing. What did you had done master?"

The wind blows very hard. Rian is sitting on the bed where Aisha had laid down."Nothing in particular. It is not the right time for her to know who I really am" touching the bed then he suddenly lays down smelling her scent.

Blood EyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon