Chapter 2

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I had no friends in St. Mary's, but it's not like it mattered to me. No friends equals no bother. Somehow though, it would've been nice to be friendly with someone before I...never mind. You'll have to wait and see.

Anyway, I entered the school to see a whole flourish of white uniforms plastered neatly to fit the female and male bodies. All physical parts of the body not being shown for the purpose of being a catholic school. I walked past a group of girls and, almost immediately, all heads were staring at me and I was pretty used to all this. All the social butterflies and their gossiping and planning for their Saturdays. I didn't want to see Principal Rita watching me swear at the others for staring at me, so I just walked down my favorite hall.

I had a favorite hall only because it was the darkest and very empty. I practically claimed the thing. I even had my own locker in that hall. The lighting in this hall was very shoddy. I never bothered to push the matter with boss pants Rita because she would've had me fix them myself. That would be some messed up shit.

I opened the locker and, inside it, was a spider and I let it crawl out of my dusty locker and on the others beside it. I couldn't kill it because I like bugs and I wouldn't care if any were on me. I know it's gross, but they were the closest thing to friends I had. That's how lonely I was or seemed. I always kept a little ying and yang necklace in my locker and it's always been there. I only had the black half because I never liked the white part of it. When I got it I carelessly tossed the white part into the sewer and watched it flow with the sewage right where it belonged.

I put on my yang necklace and took a good look at it. The paint was chipped right in the silver dot. Nothing was more comforting than seeing a precious item be chipped from age.

Life is just like that. If one thing in your life gets chipped, then everything seems to be chipped. Being in this school and having to be rebellious isn't healthy in my eyes. I can't change my reputation anymore because it's been so low. You can't change the past and when you die all you think about is how the world moves on and says, "Fuck it, I'm not missing you." Then it continues to circulate like everyone says it does.

Over and over you hear the same old thing, but I tend not to describe it in the amount of time it takes to do a lecture on God.

I slammed my locker shut and faced a little window that hung on the wall across from it. The sun was shining over my head and I stretched my hand up to feel it's warmth. It seemed like a pitiful sunny day in May. At least the sun warmed my dead cold finger tips and black nail polish.

Sinking against the thin lockers, I exhaled and let my feet fall in front of me. Student's chatter was coming closer to my safe haven. The light from their perfectly lit hallways were inundating my space. The happy feels of all of their talking always sullied my hallway. I couldn't deal with this for one more year. Nothing can stop me once I'm 18. I would hook myself up with some stoner and we could run to Timbuktu and possibly Netflix and Chill in the Sahara. Wouldn't that be a nice vacation.

While in my dreamy state, I focused on my home life. I grew up as a troubled girl. Having no plans on being someone's perfect daughter and I certainly didn't want to be some "goody two shoes."

Mom and Dad knew from the moment I was conceived that I would grow from a bad seed. Sadly, they never put me up for adoption or left me in a rainstorm to die. Sometimes I wish they did.

All of a sudden light had caught the corner of my eye. It's never been this bright enough to over flood my hallway.

I turned my head only pure light splashed into my eyes. The light was so overwhelming that the students weren't seen. I covered my eyes and squinted toward the light. It relented it's intensity a little bit, but it was still bright. I got up slowly and stealthily made my way to the source. The lockers steadying me as I made my way down the hall. It looked like there was a hint of actual pale skin creeping out of the light. It was the shape of a hand. I whispered under my breath, "What is this?"

I reached out for the hand, not really aware of my actions or whereabouts. This feeling was unexplainable. Something that felt like some bogus reality, but felt so real at the same time. I was an inch away from finally discovering what was causing my blindness.

A centimeter away...

A millimeter away...

I grasped the figure of a hand and finally the light receded and to my despair a white haired and gray eyed boy, in the crisp white uniform was shining the brightest smile at me. I stared at the face. This boy's face was flawless and looked somewhat girlish. His eyelashes were on fleek along with every aspect of him. Time was frozen in the moment as I tried to comprehend all of my actions around the past minute. Gaining back my consciousness, I noticed this new student was taught to believe in the thing I dreaded the most. As if his hand was a candle, I pulled my hand back in disgust. His eyes looked curious and I wasn't going to let him try and figure me out. Every student, in eye shot, stared at us both. Infuriated, I ran back into my hallway and hunched down in the pitch dark.

One of the most popular girls in St. Mary's, named Majestic, came up to this new victim of mine and placed a hand on his shoulder. I listened as she spoke smartly of the situation at hand, "Sierra Black doesn't really believe in the terms and rules of this school's teachings. It would be best to avoid her as much as you could."

This pure boy gazed down my hallway and dared to tear his eyes away to face Majestic. His voice finally making it's way out of his throat, "What I felt there? In that moment just now,"

He sighed, almost as if his head was in the clouds. "Sierra Black is something mysterious."

I shivered. I am not that I? I can hardly tell if anyone knows my story as much as I do. I wouldn't let him try and figure out who I am.

I stood hesitantly and felt my black leather bend to match my new found position. Stomping through the dark and back into the light, I paused right before the dark transitioned into light and breathed confidently, "I might be secluded and slightly antisocial, but I am not someone's experiment. And I am certainly not going to be involved with a God loving ass wipe."

What I said got the whole student body gasping. It was something that made me take one more step forward and this white boy starts opening his arms in greeting and I smirked and came closer. My sanity gradually decreasing and BAM my fist connected to unrealistically perfect jaw.

The minute I saw his whole body flop to the ground, my fist lay resting on my hip. By the time I said, "I'm no one's experiment. Go find someone else to observe," I was yanked by my leather jacket collar and dangling an inch off the ground. I gagged and struggled to unbutton the top button of my jacket. I turned to see who dared to touch me. my anger froze to a glimpse of fear as Principal Rita stood there.

I rolled my eyes and said, " Principal Rita. A pleasure as always." This little comment didn't seem to go down well with her.

"My office. Now! I'm calling your mother."

I snorted under my breath and raised my arms in a fake defeat. She released her hold of my jacket and I followed her lazily to the office. I turned back only once to see a satisfying pool of blood and an unconscious man lying in the center of it. Little miss blond haired Majestic was leaning over him, propping his head up in her arms. The problem with girls like her is that they are the most epic cry babies.

Principal Rita, not turning to say this to my face, spoke in overly exaggerated misery, " If you've killed Pureos, you've killed God. That will make you the Devil's daughter. Although you've already proven that." I heard her sniffle and I just smiled at the thought of such a "tough" woman crying like the weakling she is.

I looked at her neatly bunned up hair and thought approvingly at being the Devil's daughter. That would go down perfectly, but one minor detail is I don't believe in Heaven...or Hell.

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