Chapter 8~Sierra

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I was lying on my side. The ground was rough underneath my open skin. I groaned and pushed the upper half of my body from the ground.

My body was burned and scarred a bit. I stood, uneasily. I wore a tattered crop top, which was in a deep purple and black color. My stomach seemed to be really scratched up and burned badly, but I felt pain all over me. I, also, wore a matching torn shirt. It was pretty short, but it only went a few centimeters above my knee.

I clasped my hand around my elbow and looked around. The landscape went from the school to a cool, rocky plain. I wasn't wearing any shoes, so my feet were really scorching and blistery because it felt like there was fire right under the rock. The sky was red and ashy. The clouds were basically black ash smothered together.

I walked a few steps and, when I kept walking, the land became a checkered red and black floor. The sky disappeared and my arms dropped to my side and my hands clenched into fists. In front of me was a fancy chair covered in thorny vines and dried up roses. A giant red and black person sat on that chair and a pair ragged horns protruded from his head. I walked closer and this person's grin grew more and more devilish as I proceeded forward.


My face must've been dumbstruck because this seemed to amuse the man. I crossed my arms and slanted my hip to the left. "Daddy? I have a dad at home and this...," looking around the place I got transported too. "This isn't my home. You aren't my dad. Actually you seem more like a Halloween costume idea. Can you tell me where you bought all this stuff?" I smirked and cocked my head to the right.

This made his horns seemed to produce fire and he frowned and lowered his arms to his sides. He walked a little forward and his long tail followed suit behind him. He was in front of me now and he didn't bother to shrink to a more appropriate size. He bent forward a bit and his eyes stared at mine with disappointment. He touched my head with a red index finger and his black painted nail covered towered over my head. In that sudden moment, memories of my life in Hell flooded through in a matter of seconds and my brain was nearly bursting under the pressure of them all.

I saw a young me setting fire to a young man who was jeering at me with his malign words. I witnessed fires of great length. Great generals and political rulers put on trial for their tyranny and wrongdoings. Many would rather burn than bow down to the Devil himself or to me. I had an adjoining throne to my father's and we would sit side by side, father by daughter. Rulers of Hell.

After he was fully satisfied with me gathering my past, he stood up straight and walked back to his chair and took a seat. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM NOW?" My dad, or the Devil, decided to prop his head up with his right hand and release a sigh, that rocked the whole palace and his breath blew passed me like a hurricane.

In order to keep my father satisfied, I decided to speak, "Yes, I know now that you are the great and all powerful Devil. The opposite of Heaven and the one to contain all those who have given up their life to sin and crime." I rolled my eyes as I said those words, knowing that they make my father very humbled and happy.

He gave me a sly smile and raised his head from his hand to snapped his fingers.

A boy who seemed around 17 came out from behind the Devil's chair and he had an open tattered vest on. It was a sickly shade of green. His skin was a rotten like green that was a little lighter than his vest, but had a sexier sheen to it. He had a pair of dark brown jeans and his black spiked up hair was in no specific direction. He leaned against the chair and crossed his arms. A smirk lay devilishly on his face.

The Devil was not really meaning to notify the boy on what he was doing there because it seemed like he knew why he was there.

The Devil never took his gaze off of me as he was going to keep me up to date on the situation, "MY DAUGHTER, THIS IS TERRORED. THE MOST TRUSTED YOUNG MAN IN HELL. HE WILL BE ASSIGNED TO WATCH YOUR EVERY MOVE. YOU AND HIM CAN TALK FOR A MINUTE." He looked at Terrored and nodded. The Devil didn't bother to get up from his seat. He just sat and watched. I got kind of nervous.

Why would I be assigned a bodyguard? On Earth I could take care of myself and be the independent person I sought out to be.

Terrored came up to me and he gave an cute bow. I uncrossed my arms and gave him a slight wave of my hand. He had a near revolting grin on him. He took a few steps to get closer and talked in a deep voice, "Hello, Sierra Black, it's a pleasure to finally meet the daughter of my favorite ruler."

He brought his hand up to my hair and messed with it a bit. I cringed at the thought of his sickly hands leaving pieces of dead skin for me to comb out later. I pulled his hand away from my hair and he was surprisingly strong and his skin was smoother than I thought.

I held on to his arm and he seemed to flex it, as if wanting me to fall into them. I shook my head and dropped my grasp. My arms fell loosely. "Sorry, Uh...It's nice to meet you Terrored, but I don't believe you should be so open around me. I have to warn you I'm practically much a guy killer. Literally." I smirked.

He kept the same stupid grin on him and he raised his hands up, as if stopping me from continuing. "I got you princess. I'm not gonna get attached to you and make you mine because that's just ridiculous. But if you want to, I'll be here.

To me, he sounded like a creep or a rapist. I nodded and looked away. He got the message and dropped the grin, Taking his time, he retreated his gaze from me and strolled over to my father.

My father moved his hand in a go-away motion to Terrored and he bowed once more to me and exited behind the chair and my father nodded to me. The throne and my father disappeared along with the checkered floor. I was back in the bare landscape.

Dogs with sharp ass teeth snarled at me. Red eyes illuminated around their black matted fur. I snarled right back and they backed down.

The Hell hounds were a gift to me on my birthday in Hell. I wasn't too happy to be gifted with them. I was never fond of the living's idea of having pets or zoos. I allowed the Hell hounds roam around Hell tearing apart the dead's flesh until they were satisfied. My father was displeased in my decision to keep them roaming around, but in the end my father would never dare refuse me.

I believe that is where I found my hard-headedness on Earth. From the moment I was born I was a stubborn bitch. I refused to be force fed by my mother and would yank the spoon from her hand and throw it down on the floor over and over. When I was in elementary, I wouldn't talk to anyone. I would never answer the questions I was asked. I would never follow the rules.

Looking back, I hated Earth. I was better off dead than living in a world full of prejudice, fighting, sexism, racism, even drugs. Drugs of all things are something admired by so many, but they end up in Hell of all places because they do the wrongest things once they succumb to all it holds.

I have no idea why I thought that Hell and Heaven didn't exist. I mean I'm standing right here in the center of a burning plain with no shoes and I see people shackled and crawling like zombies. I feel and hear the pain and suffering of them all. I don't feel a damn bit of pity for any of them. On Earth they fight for equality and rights. In Hell, you suffer the consequences. That is how life should be.

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