Afon Ahson(river compassion)

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Afon's POV-

"Hey girl,come on over and meet your new partners!" Magister Tennyson says as I gulp and jump over a destroyed building,the wombs safe.I had just graduated from the Academy like my best friend Rook Shar-both of us the top of our class and proud we got to go out early.

"Hey Grandpa,who's the girl?"the brown haired human Plumber asks-this must be Ben 10,catchy.

"Plumber Afon Ahson at your service and I was wondering what Magister Tennyson was doing dragging me out here."I say before sensing a child's body losing heat unlike me-I cannot lose heat I can only gain it for winter months.While Magister Tennyson explains to Ben 10 and Rook Blonko, I found a red eyed,snowy haired child looking exactly like Ben 10 when he was eleven.

"Go away Plumber."the child I realized now was Albedo growled before a cute sneeze.

"Your going to get frostbite Albe,come to me and we'll wait for a few until your all warm to get you in a cold cell."I say softly before I see his eyes widen and look at his legs.

"I'm actually stuck Miss."Albe says quietly and I go under the small space in the building to see what I could do. His feet were numb so I just brought his feet in one arm and he held himself by holding onto me as we got out.

Albe got some hot chocolate at Tim Hortons with me in my car before we drove up to Head Quarters and relaxed on the side of the road-tinted windows helping. Bloncko tapped on the window as soon as Albedo finished his hot cocoa and I nodded over to the child that was finally using his legs to curl up and take a nap.

"Did he get frostbite?"Bloncko asks and I shake my head.

"Nah,I sensed his body heat level going down and went to him while you guys were busy. Don't touch him."I warn as I roll my window up and get out of the car before I go to the other side and get Albedo from the front seat and swaddle him in a blanket.

"You have very good mothering instincts."Bloncko tells me as we walk inside.

"Thanks,are you related to a Rook Shar?"I ask in hope before a dumbfounded look comes across his face.

"That is my younger sister yet the oldest besides me."Bloncko says.

"She's my friend. Tough luck I'm assigned to you and Ben to watch over and keep you two safe."I giggle.

"Amazing."Bloncko says.Ben comes over and blinks at Albedo but smiles in the end.

"Do you have your own place?"Ben asks.

"Besides the Plumber HQ,my mother gave me her estate since she passed away from the Incursians. I'm half Insertian,there's a difference between the two.She was rich,had that seven bedroom two bath right by this establishment."I say and sigh,I won't go into the house without someone else living there.

"I see what Ben's doing. Albedo is in an eleven year old body and Ben doesn't want him in a cell all the time. This is between us five."Max says and I brighten before smiling and looking down at my little buddy.

"Oh,if you want to,Ben you can move in but at least help sometimes with the bills."I laugh before Ben nods and I go to my home and get everything arranged.

Home looks-Upstairs you can see the alley all in my room at the end of the hall to the left after a few feet of going straight,on the straight hallway there are three rooms,left hallway there is a closet on the right a bathroom on the left another bedroom on the right and my bedroom at the end. Downstairs you immediately walk into the dinning room next to the living room,go through the dinning room on the left is a door to the basement,go straight is a kitchen that is neat and organized,there is  curtains hanging on the right side of the kitchen and left side of the living room to show another room then there's a little room like a playroom or something left to that.When you had come into the kitchen look left and you see a door leading to a room to the washer/dryer area then out to the alley. Somehow it's still small but big.

Albe immediately put his room next to my room, not wanting to be near Ben, Rook and Ben insisted sharing a room and this room was the second room on the right for the straight hallway. Albe wouldn't sleep in his room at all but I don't mind,one less heater to warm up. At least I have more family now.

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