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First of all, I have to say that I'm really glad that, even two years after his death, I still receiving messages to Cory. And truly beautiful. This one, I saw it the other day and just... I love it. Here it goes:


About a month ago I started watching a show called Glee on Netflix. I remember thinking, "Where has this been all my life?!?" and smiling and laughing. The thing was, I knew about your death. I knew that Cory Monteith had passed away, but.. Usually when an actor or actress passes away that you've only ever heard of, it's sad but not terrible. You don't miss them like you would miss someone you idolized. As I kept watching, I started to count how many episodes I had left with you. I remember feeling so angry that you were gone, complaining about how unfair it was. Glee is the perfect show for anyone like me. A girl who is insecure. Who loves to perform but would never really do it. Your show- your character- has helped me so much with coming to terms with myself. I will defend you until the day I die. I don't care who says you were just some druggie. I know they were wrong. Everyone who loves you doesn't need the validation of a meaningless jerk. I love you Cory Monteith.

My only regret is not loving you while you were still here xxx

Our messages to you. (A tribute to Cory Monteith)Where stories live. Discover now