0.1 Pilot

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"Hurry up!" The wind blew through my hair from the open window beside me, arranging each strand into different spots. Many pats were going against my seat ushering the car to speed up. My foot against the petal watching dash go up. "Are we even sure he is walking home today?" The curiosity of this question filled the car in almost complete silence, something just begging to break it. "Why don't you worry about not spilling that in my back seat." My eyes shifted to the rear view mirror to look at my friends.

All three stared blankly back at me without exchanging a single word. "Are you kidding? Dude!" I moved my head back against the headrest pissed off, of course they chose to ruin my car. "It wasn't a lot, it was only water from the bucket."

Puck began to look around causing even more balloons fall out at the risk of popping. "I swear to god. If one of those pop, you can kiss me throwing a party goodbye." I wouldn't put it past him to pop something like a pee balloon in my car, which he doesn't have to clean might I add. "It's not spilling, I don't think." He tried to lift up the entire thing to look under it for any leaks. Open windows with air plus high heavy object equals disaster.

"Oh dude. He's here." I slowed down to get everything ready. "It's a good thing Tommy mentioned he lived right next to him." Puck moved his head to be in between the driver and passenger seats to get a better look. "Should we go?" I slapped the back of his head to knock some sense into his dumbass brain. "No shit, why do you think we're here. Give me one." My foot applied not too much pressure to the pedal to get a good speed going.

The warm balloon sat in my left hand as I drove with my right. It was quite disgusting holding it considering that I have no clue which guys pee this is. "Finn take one." Puck climbed up through the sunroof as he tossed one in his lap. Again, if it pops I'm killing him. "Hey homo!" I called out in a teasing voice causing him to glance in our direction. At the same second we released the balloons and the rest of the bucket Puck was holding onto his body. Almost every one of them exploding at impact. "We figured you should get a taste of your love interests piss."

I looked at him jokingly before switching over to who said that horrible comment. He held up his hand proud of what he called out. "What? Get it, since he's gay?" Everyone in the car stared at Puck with the same expression as me, disgusted. "Really? That's what you came up with? Sit down, man." More pressure was added to the gas forcing his body back into his seat. The sound of my engine roared leaving a good impression on homo. "It wasn't bad."

"And it wasn't good either." My brother shut down his thoughts on it once and for all. Finally. "You got that right." I held my hand out for a fist bump, his hand was warm from the piss too. It was a bad idea leaving the bucket in my car in the sun. We filled them up before and after morning practice today, instead of leaving them in the locker room for someone to ruin. I just threw them in my car to save the haul after school.

A small buzzing began to progressively get louder from my back pocket. The sound of our laughs soon faded when it kept repeating. "Who the hell is calling me?" Carter pulled out his phone as our sisters face lit up the screen.

He hit accept call while putting it close to his ear. "What's up?" It was silent for a few seconds before her voice got louder. "Can you come pick me up from cheer practice?" Her tone was slightly annoyed but almost desperate. "I thought Santana was driving you."

Suspense was in the air, me, Puck, Finn, and Mike all leaned in waiting for her answer. "She said that she couldn't drive anyone home besides Brittany because she has too much stuff in her car." Oh god, we all know how Carter is gonna react to this, clearly not well whenever they fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14 ⏰

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