𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚 🍿🍿

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All five are talking when Netjames comes there.
They saw ZeeNunew and ask...

Net : Phi what are you both doing here???

Nunew : Nothing we were going  for a movie then Hiaa suggested to take you both also ...

Net : seriously hiaa said this.
I don't believe that this grumpy person invited us to ruin his movie date .....

Zee : Youuuu....
Okk I didn't suggest but Nhu, now he is taking my name...

Now happy, so let's go...

Net turn to James and ask...

Net : what say???

James : let's go, we don't have any work for tomorrow because it's a holiday...

Mm you also come with us...

He asked to Tutor Yim and Love,  they all agreed and left for the movie...

In movie theater🍿🍿

Zee asked NetJamea to buy tickets with Popcorn and snacks....

When they both went Tutor ask...

Tutor : what next phi???

Love ❤ : we want to give them some time alon but they take us with them...

Nunew : relax, just do what I say...

Tutor, Yim and Love : Okk phi 😇😇

When NetJames return then Tutor said...

Tutor: bro I have to go, I am not feeling well .

James : what, but you were well some time before...

Tutor : Yes but Now I feels like My stomach is upset 😞😞😞

Yim : it's okk I will take him home 🏠🏠🏠

Net : Okk, drive safe..

Then suddenly Love says...

Love ❤ : Aah.. Yim if you both are going so can plzz drop me.
Actually my mom called me home urgently...

Net : Is there anything serious???

James : If you want so Net can drop you...

Suddenly Net turn to him, he was about say but Love said...

Love : NO No, I will go with them...
Okk so see you guys tomorrow 😊😊😊

Saying this they left...

James : Now what about these tickets???

Nunew : it's okk they accept returns..

Zee : let me return this...

He take all tickets and went to the counter..

He came after 5 minutes then they all went into movie hall...

Zee : so mine and Nhu's seats are there and your are there...

He pointed two corner seats 💺💺

Net : but why Us hiaa??
You can sit in that corner seat...

Nunew : No ways, I will not sit in corner seat in while watching horror movie...

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