All five are talking when Netjames comes there.
They saw ZeeNunew and ask...Net : Phi what are you both doing here???
Nunew : Nothing we were going for a movie then Hiaa suggested to take you both also ...
Net : seriously hiaa said this.
I don't believe that this grumpy person invited us to ruin his movie date .....Zee : Youuuu....
Okk I didn't suggest but Nhu, now he is taking my name...Now happy, so let's go...
Net turn to James and ask...
Net : what say???
James : let's go, we don't have any work for tomorrow because it's a holiday...
Mm you also come with us...
He asked to Tutor Yim and Love, they all agreed and left for the movie...
In movie theater🍿🍿
Zee asked NetJamea to buy tickets with Popcorn and snacks....
When they both went Tutor ask...
Tutor : what next phi???
Love ❤ : we want to give them some time alon but they take us with them...
Nunew : relax, just do what I say...
Tutor, Yim and Love : Okk phi 😇😇
When NetJames return then Tutor said...
Tutor: bro I have to go, I am not feeling well .
James : what, but you were well some time before...
Tutor : Yes but Now I feels like My stomach is upset 😞😞😞
Yim : it's okk I will take him home 🏠🏠🏠
Net : Okk, drive safe..
Then suddenly Love says...
Love ❤ : Aah.. Yim if you both are going so can plzz drop me.
Actually my mom called me home urgently...Net : Is there anything serious???
James : If you want so Net can drop you...
Suddenly Net turn to him, he was about say but Love said...
Love : NO No, I will go with them...
Okk so see you guys tomorrow 😊😊😊Saying this they left...
James : Now what about these tickets???
Nunew : it's okk they accept returns..
Zee : let me return this...
He take all tickets and went to the counter..
He came after 5 minutes then they all went into movie hall...
Zee : so mine and Nhu's seats are there and your are there...
He pointed two corner seats 💺💺
Net : but why Us hiaa??
You can sit in that corner seat...Nunew : No ways, I will not sit in corner seat in while watching horror movie...

Should We Cross The Boundary Of Friendship?????
FanfictionTwo friends who have been together since childhood. They complete their school and are almost about to graduate but because of an incident suddenly their feelings towards each other changes, But the problem is both are unknown about the others feel...