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James and Pock were in canteen and when Pock tries to hold his waist but suddenly Net came there and called James

Pock pull his hand back
Net said..

Net : James, let's go. It's time for our class 🙂🙂

James : Yes coming, Pock I need to go 🥰🥰
Let's meet in break

Pock : okk susu

James blush and went to Net

James : let's go

Net : first stop this blushing 😒😒😒
And you go, I want to talk to Pock

James : what you wanna talk???

Net : didn't you tell me to talk to him???

James : Oh yess 😁😁😁
So, go and make everything clear ...

I am going to class

Net went to Pock and start the conversation while suppresing his anger and making a calm expression 😇😇😇

Net : Actually Pock, James told me about that incident and that makes me realize that I really misunderstood you, I am sorry Pock

Pock : it's okk Net 👍👍👍
It was just a misunderstanding nothing else
Now it's all clear and I hope that you don't have any problem with our relationship??

Net : yes, it's all clear from me 😇😇
The I am going to class

Pock : Bye....

Net went from there and a devilish smile appears on Pock's face 😈😈😈

Pock : what do you think Net Fucking Sirapoph...
That I am a fool who doesn't know that its all you act to expose me front of James 😏😏😏

I already had this feeling that you will tell everything to James that's why I planned all things....


When Net went to James to tell him everything in the swimming court

Pock ( in fumming anger) : No he can't take my prey from me

But what should I do make him stops to say anything to James

Then suddenly an idea 💡💡pop into his mind

He just went near swimming and act that his leg twisted, So that James attention divert to him and Net can't talk to James

Then, when they both went to Hospital
He make excuse to go washroom when James was busy with talking Doctor 👨‍⚕👨‍⚕

Then he calls to his friend

Pock : Hey bro...
I need your help

Friend : Yes bro, just tell me

Pock : Can you plzz decorate my home for Poposal theme in 1 hour???

plzz bro it's urgent

Friend : but in 1 hour ....
It's okk I will do it , You just tell me the colour and your prefrence

Pock : colour should be red and white
And a pure romantic environment ♥️♥️♥️

He cuts the call...

Pock : I know that you wanna tell him everything but before you I will make him mine and make him believe only me 😏😏😏😏

In Pock' house

When He proposed James ....
And James said

James : Yes pock I will be your lover 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I will be with you for rest of my life
I love you too Pock ♥️♥️♥️

He just stand up from his knees and hugs him

Pock : thank you So much James...

Pock ( in his mind) : and this is my first victory to make him believe me and Now think I should take my reward

He get back from hug and starts going towards his lips...
He was about touch his lips when suddenly James's phone rings 📱📱📱

James recive the call and after the call ends
He he rushes to go back home..
Then Pock asked him

Pock : what happens???

James : nothing it's Net, he asked me to go back home immediately otherwise he will tell my mom that I am not with him

I can't let it happens 😥😥😥

Suddenly something evilish idea came into his mind and he said

Pock : Jame actually I want to say something to you...

James : Yes..

Pock : Actually you remember, In swimming court when you went to take bath And I was out side ???

James : yes I remember, so what about that???

Pock ( while making a sad face) : that time whe you went inside I thought that you forget to lock the door from inside

I think it's not appropriate to call you So I decided to hold the door till you come outside

But the Net came there and he misunderstood that I was trying g to open the door 🚪🚪🚪

But I was not...
I just try to protect you but...

James : it's okk Pock, I believe you and I know you can't do this
And don't worry I will talk to Net and make all things clear
Now I have to go , bye 😊😊😊😊

James went from there , suddenly his creepy smile again came,
He leans on a couch 🛋️🛋️ and said

Pock : mission accomplished
Now say what you wanna say Net, but he will not believes you 😈😈😈

Aah but I have to make a permanent solution that fucker 😤😤😤
Everytime he ruin my moment with my prey
I have to make him vanish from James's life, So then I can eat my jamessu

You can't even imagine my jamessu how many plans I have made for you, Once I deal with that Net then no one can save you from me 😏😏😏😏

Flashback ends...

Pock smirks and says

Pock : Just do what you wanna do but I will  trap you in  your plan and kick you out from the way to my prey 😈😈😈😈😈

To be continued.......

See you all later 🥰🥰🥰

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