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Krys' POV

I got home at around 9:30 PM, parking my sleek, white Koenigsegg 2013 Agera R in the garage.

Still fuming, I stomped into the pack house. Finding Terry sitting at the bottom of the stairs and a few girls in the pack standing around him, looking bored out of their minds. They were all wearing the most indecent and revealing clothing I have ever seen. Confused esp. with Anne because she was usually shy and buried in a book, and wore nothing of what she was wearing now, which was barely anything.

"What are you guys doing? And why the fuck are you all dressed like a bunch of tramps?!" Frowning at the lot of them.

"Krys!" Terry stood up, throwing an arm casually around my shoulder. "Just the alpha we've been waiting for!"


"Huh?" The girls' said in unison.

"Whatever it is you wanted. My answer is No" I informed them. "I'm not in the mood right now." Walking past them all, up the stairs.

"Well you see." Terry continued as if I hadn't spoken at all. "There's this party every year held on neutral grounds. Chics get to let loose and not get judged. Sort of. They have this contest thingy where at the end of the night a girl is awarded the sexiest chic alive title and some poor guy, bitch of the year or something but you get disqualified if you sleep with someone." He chuckled. "Last year Amber threw a bitch fit cuz she was disqualified fo- "

"Okaay. Thank you. Don't wanna know. Good night." I interrupted him and continued my journey to my room.

"Pleaaasee Come with us. Last year the Thornton pack won even though she slept with Paul but we couldn't find enough evidence. But this year we'd be sure to win with you there." Anne pleaded.

"God! You people are so vain." I turned and sighed in defeat at the sight before me. All nine girls and Terry, giving me the puppy-dog face. "I guess I can't let such injustice continue, now can I?" They all grinned and shook their heads in unison. "Urgh. Fine."

"Yes!" Terry fist pumped the air.

I rolled my eyes. "Lay down the basics of this.... thing."

"Slut fest. It's simple." Terry spent 5 minutes filling me in on the do's and don'ts of the "slut fest".

"So basically we have to dress and act like complete sluts, so that we can pretty much give every guy a hard on to win?" I was starting to regret agreeing to this.

They all nodded. "Just don't sleep with anyone. And believe me the unmated guys will be trying." Samantha, another pack member warned. She was smiling but she sort of looked worried.

"These people DO realise that Sexy and Slut are two completely different things, right?" They all shrugged.

Before I could say more, Terry threw me over his shoulder and ran into my room, the girls followed. I was seriously getting fed up with guys throwing me over their shoulders.

The girls shooed Terry out, locked my door and turned to face me. Now this! Was freaky. Nine pairs of eyes on me and they were all grinning at me evilly like a bunch of crazy serial killers.

An hour later I was finally released from the clutches of the looney females and shoved out of my room. I hadn't been able to catch a glimpse of myself. All I knew was this dress was way too revealing and short for comfort. Thankfully they barely touched my face, the last thing I wanted was to have make-up on like a second layer of skin.

Crap! Kevin! I totally ditched him with the rents.

'Kevin?' I called through the mind link.

'Unfortunately' He dragged.

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