Location: Shetland, Scotland, United Kingdom
Date and Time January 30, 2025After a long quick travel from United States to Scotland, the Abyssal Hunters were resting in the shores of Sandwick. Andreana was the first one to get up and she was fixing and preparing her sniper rifle. Skadi woke up second, then Gladiia, Ulpianus and lastly Specter.
The Abyssal Hunters made their move off of the shore and now on top of the land.
Gladiia and Ulpianus were side eyeing at each other with haterade in their eyes.
Skadi: Gladiia, Ulpianus please don't argue or have a fight with each other on this mission
Gladiia: Oh Skadi, we won't argue nor fight each other at all on this mission, besides we never fight we just have some disagreements, right?
Ulpianus: *Nods head* Right!
As the rest of the members were walking, Skadi froze and called out Gladiia name again to get her attention.
Skadi: Gladiia!
Gladiia: *Turns her body* Yes, Skadi?
Skadi: *Took a five second pause* Do...do you guys hate each other?
Gladiia: *Looks at Skadi in shocked*
Skadi: Gladiia? Are you okay?
Gladiia: *Was frozen for 30 seconds until she spoke to Skadi* Me and Ulpianus don't hate each other *Laughing*
Skadi: You sure?
Gladiia: Positive!
Skadi: Are you lying to me, Gladiia?
Gladiia: No
Skadi: You sure?
Gladiia: Skadi, no more questions! Okay!?
Skadi: *Looks at Gladiia* O-Okay...
Gladiia: Thank you, let's move!
Skadi: Yes ma'am...
As Gladiia was catching up to her teammates, Skadi was standing there for 15 seconds in silence. Skadi was shocked and rather scared of what happened after she got lashed out by her Leader. Skadi begin to catch up with her teammates but she was still in disbelief as her Seaborn blood begin to boil up.
Specter: Skadi...Skadi? Skadi!
Skadi: *Gasp* What Specter?
Specter: U okay?
Skadi: I'm fine... Thank you
Specter: *Gives a smug look* *Hahaha* no problem
Skadi: "God I hate that fucking laugh"
The Abyssal Hunters made their stopping point in the middle of the island.
Gladiia: It's seem there is no sign of life yet, it seems that we most likely we need to split up. Andreana can go over there, Specter can go that way, You can go here and Me and Ulpianus can stay here
Skadi: You sure you guys can handle this?
Gladiia: Skadi don't worry about me...
Skadi: *Shaking* Oh... O-Okay...
The Abyssal Hunters split up to find the Seaborn and humans too.
Andreana POV's
Andreana: *Looking for Seaborn* Huh? Looks like there none here but only Seaborn guts on the ground!

Dark Knights
FantasyDark Knights is a crossover between Arknights, Rainbow Six and The Division that takes place in a Alternative Universe that is set in the near-future (2025-2027) when the Seaborn invade earth, the United Nations and Nato has sent many Military Units...