Song from one's heart

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Third person POV
It stating to rain heavily. Reminded everyone who survived that today might be their last day. Levi himself feared, he feared of being weak and helpless also being unable to help and save his friend. Now he didn't want to make the same mistake like before. He tried to leave what had fallen behind and make up his mind on what he should focus on. That is to protect his last best friend, a younger sister and his special someone, [f/n].

On the other hand, [f/n]. Feared to be left alone, it sounded selfish but she actually cared and doesn't want anything bad to happen once again especially with Levi.

Your POV

The dull sky cries a million tears. 'Why does god always take my precious ones out of my life. What have i done wrong?' You thought. Remembering each of your comrades' faces. Today Levi's squad was wiped out and half of your squad went missing.

You lost your horse and now you wander around. Everything around you is dangerous, you don't know when will any titan appear. One of your sword had its blade half broken. After fighting for more than five hours. 'Where is everyone? I cant see any flares or anyone, only corpses.' You thought.

You walk around hours and hours feeling hopeless. Once again your emotion exploded and you burst out crying. You then fall to your knees, hands on the muddy ground facing down. You whisper "überleben" in German. You look up at the thundering sky and close your eyes. "Levi, where are you" you then heard a familiar sound calling you.

"[f/n]! [f/n]!!" The voice came nearer and nearer. You looked at a tall boy with blonde hair. 'Erwin?' you thought. "E-Erwin ?" you called him hoping your voice will reach him. He turn to you. "[f/n]!!!!" He gallop the his white horse towards you. He jumped down and pick you up bridal style to his horse. 'Is he a prince with his white horse? Is he romeo?' i thought.

After the expedition

Your POV

Thanks to Erwin you are back safely. Now that everyone are inside the walls at Survey Corps HQ. Except the fallen ones. You are in your room doing absolutely nothing. Suddenly you sat up and said " O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" 'What was that ? why do i need to say it?' You thought.

You then decided to go outside the building and play some violin. You loved music but doesnt have time to practice so you thought that it will be today.

You pick up your violin which you called it 'Violet'. You loved naming everything from your piano and other instruments to giving Levi nicknames.

You went outside. Pick your violin up to your shoulder level. Placed it under your chin and held the bow up. You started playing and remembering your childhood. Theres a gap in there where those years you played instruments and perform on shows and musicals to gain money.

As you play tears fell from your eyes down to your cheeks. 'What is greater punishment is there than life when you've lost everything that made it worth living.' you thought.

(Please play the video)

Author's note: Sorry for not updating for a VERYYYYYY long time. IGCSE is really hard and ughh lots of homework T^T. Anyways sorry for short crappy chapter. I will be updating the next chapter soon! I hope you like it and please vote & comment!^^

Drowning in Blood [levixreaderxerwin] //Hiatus//Where stories live. Discover now