The first day of school pt 1

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Gabby POV
Here we go again with the killing men not gonna like killing especially my girl Mary Anne she is my girlfriend and she is my helping caller (from scream if yk) and she does an amazing job like seriously love my girlfriend "hey baby" she smile cutesy "hey princess" I smile "someone happy to see me gorgeously" "it's not my fault your beautiful" I said and she blushed and I grabbed her waist I liked her up and down "like what you see babe?" I nodded gosh it's mine no one else not even her ex-boyfriend and I kissed her

Maryanne POV
She is so hot and more she beautiful and she my girl only "babe" I whine and she said "is someone whining" and I pout I want attention •pull her arm• "I wanna kill babe" and she turn around and smile our know friends were the killers but they help us when we need help but I do love her with my heart and oh and here comes my ex...Logan...he cheated on me with my girlfriend sister "hey Mary can I talk to you?" But Gabby Duran gave him a cold stare "can't you see I'm busy?" Then gabby spoke up "leave us alone and yes she is my girlfriend so back off jerk" he walked she was holding me by my waist

Gabby POV
Why is he here like literally because he a jerk but my brother Kyle help us "dude get away from my sister girl don't love you anymore" (if yk) and if he wasn't here I would've wanna what would happened "thanks big bro" hugging behind Maryanne while her hand was in my hair going throw the head but I didn't care "mine beautiful girl" she giggle I love the sound of it

Maryanne POV
If it wasn't for gabby brother showing up gabs would've hurted him like serious she is overprotective along with her family is my second family I don't have siblings but she does but I love her so damn much she my everything "baby you wanna go now?" Mhm and nodded and she took my hand and she led me to an empty classroom with no students just yet "gabs are you sure you want to do this?" She nodded "beautiful I'm always sure" I nodded of course she is why even bother to ask she slowly grabbed my waist pull me closer to her my hand were around her neck not letting go she kissed with soft lips and there are so great then she went for my neck "babe..not here love" I said but she said "no kisses no killing then" I whined about it "fine babe you can" I said and she said "you look cute when you pout" and I said I do not pout" I whine

Gabby POV
"I do not whine" she said "princess you do a lot" she hides her head in my neck she so adorable but I continue to kiss her neck and she continues to moan quietly and not to loud where the teachers can here but I let go because students keep coming in and we say our usually spot next to Wesley who has been our best friend since 2nd grade and he's Maryanne brother along with Susie who are both super hype "hey sis are you okay?" Wesley said "yeah why wouldn't I be?" He whispers "there a hickey on your neck" she blushed and buried herself in my neck and she so cute and I always give her messages when she lays her head in my neck

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