Residing in the Kingdom territory lies a young shy girl with blonde hair and miss-matched eyes born with the crest of Blaiddyd like her father...
In Empire territory is a white-haired girl who dreams of a girl of green and is a close friend of the girl of Blaiddyd...
And an energetic prankster who resides in a faraway place....
After the events with Alear and Kira... The children can now live in a bright and happy future...
But what's a point of a story without conflict?
Fire Emblem: Three Friends
Fire Emblem Heroes: Truth and Deceit
FantasySequel to "Veyle and Alear in Three Houses". Alear and his sister's journey in Fodland is over. But as for Kira- No! After she became Hlin, a new threat arises a few years later. The Enemies of Deceit.