02 x thirty-four

17 5 9

It was three days after Mr. Gong talked to me about the Cole Michaels thing and I absolutely had no progress.

What happened at the library was barely even an accomplishment. It was actually the opposite of an accomplishment which makes matters worse. What Cole probably thinks of me right now is this really strict and uptight teacher's pet.

I haven't even seen him since then! He probably didn't go to school again.

It was last night that I fully realized how much of a disaster I am in. Mr. Gong told me that he'll give me the money tomorrow. If I accept it, that means that I'm quite confident that I'll actually be able to help Cole. But I am not even confident and I am not quite able.

But the money could really help.

So I decided to start with a lead that I have - the Michaels residences. I still have their address so I figured I might see him there. I just hope I won't bump into his dad.

"Hey Jason." I sat beside him and he smiled at me.

"What's up."

"Umm, are you busy after school?" He raised his eyebrows at my statement.

"Oh no, no, I'm not asking you out." I laughed, I know that he has a girlfriend. "I'm just wondering if you can give me a ride to uhh, B-berkley drive?" I have no idea where that is. Probably on some forest where Cole's family hide their mansion.

He looked up, smirking as he thought about it.

"I'll give you my Reese's!"

He grinned. "Alright! I'll wait for you at the parking lot. Text me!"

x x x x x

"Are you sure that we're here?" I questioned Jason. We don't seem to be in some forest and I totally can't see any mansion nearby. We stopped in front of a...condominum. That's unexpected.

"Yeah. This is it. What are you gonna do here anyway?" It sounded far from that though since he was munching on my Reese's.

"Just visiting a...friend." I was convincing myself more than him with the last word. "Alright, thanks Jason. Goodbye."

"No problem. Come to me if you have more Reese's." He winked at me and I waved as he drove off.

Alright, let's get this over with.

I assumed that the Michaels owned this whole building and that they temporarily lived here because their Mansion is so far away thus I headed to the lobby to ask.

"Good afternoon! Where, uh, what unit does the Michaels live?"

"I am sorry but I could not disclose such private matters."

"Oh no, you can! Cole Michaels and I are quite close, we're friends! Very close friends." Riiight.

The attendant raised his eyebrow in skepticism.

"Can I have your name then, Miss? I'll just call his unit and tell him that you're here so I can confirm, then-"

Oh fuck he doesn't know my name, he doesn't even know who I am!

"Umm sir, you see, Cole and I are more than friends if you could say that. We had a lot of fun last night downtown if you know what I mean." I winked at him for effect. "It's just that he forgot to...pay me. I hope you understand."

What the fuck?
I can't believe that I'm pretending to be a prostitute for this guy.

He seem to comprehend what I'm saying. He used the telephone to call someone and said "Sir, your father already told me that you should stop bringing them here. Or at least bring them over yourselves." He paused, listening to what the other person was saying, who was probably Cole.

Does this mean that this happens often? I can't believe this guy!

"Alright. Then I'll tell her to come up. This will be the last time, sir." He ended the call, and turned to me.

"Okay, 34th floor ma'am." He sort of grinned at me, but he has this pitiful look for me on his eyes.

"Thanks. Which unit?"

"Oh, the whole floor." My eyes widened. "I see. Thank you." I then headed to the elevators to go to the 34th floor.

It was pretty obvious where it was because you can only see one door when you step out of the elevator.

I knocked and waited.

The door opened, "Look, I don't remember not paying anyone back at Heave-"

"OH MY GOSH." I screeched and blocked my eyes. "You're naked!"

x x x x x

author's note:
i'm so sorry we haven't seen much of cole in this chapter but you'll see much of him in the next chapter, I'm sure ;)

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