Can we trust her?

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Caroline's P.O.V
This is it!!! I will finally get out of this hell house I thought running out of the building
Run I thought to myself RUN!!!!!!

Scott's P.O.V
Mom I'm home. I shouted walking in the door. Scott get in here now! Deaton wants to talk to you he says that it's urgent! She shouted from the kitchen. As I walked into the kitchen she handed me the phone. Hello? Scott one of Eichen houses top inmates has escaped. Have you called the police? Actually that's why I have called you. Concern filled my mind. What happened?! An entire force went after her and Stiles found the entire force knocked out near the road that's close to Derek's old house. Grabbing my coat I started walking towards the door. On my way now. Hurry. Hanging up I tossed the house phone on the couch I ran out of the house grabbing my dirt bike

Derek's woods Scott's P.O.V (still)
Me Stiles and Deaton ran and hid behind a bush just as we sat down we heard the crunching of leaves. There she is. Stiles whispered pointing at the girl. We watched as she ran up to Derek's house stopping to rest. I stood up behind the bush not bothering to be quiet. What the hell are you doing?! Stiles whispered   I'm going to go talk to her. I stated bluntly gesturing to the girl who has still not seen me. What!? No! Stiles said almost shouting now. I ignored him quietly approaching the porch. The girl quickly got into a fighting stance. Hey there calm down. I said putting my hands up in the surrender position. I don't want to fight . I said calmly I could hear the girls heartbeat slowing down. I didn't want to fight either but they just came at me. The girl said her voice quivering. Seriously!? This girl? One of Eichen houses top inmates?! Is this a joke?? This girl looks like she would barely survive a slap across the face. I thought to myself. What's your name?      Why do you care? She said defiantly    Because I want to know.     Caroline. She whispered.      Ok Caroline your gonna follow me and I'm going to take you somewhere.       No! I won't go back to Eichen they'll just lock me up again!! Caroline shouted. It's not my fault that I almost killed someone I.......I just lose  control sometimes!!!...........           Did you say " lose control " Stiles said running up to her. Yes I did. Caroline said confusion emitting off her. Stiles pushed me out of the way taking of his jacket throwing on her shoulders.  How about you me Scott and Dr. Deaton take a trip to Scott's house.? Stiles said gesturing to the jeep.     I can't trust you. Caroline said pointing to Stiles. Or you either. Pointing then at me.     What if I said we can help you Deaton said stepping out from behind the bush. Because you never said that you could not trust me.       Caroline studied him for a second before walking towards the car turning around looking me Stiles and Deaton straight in the eye. If you take me to Eichen I will rip all of you apart.

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