"Stupid cock."

168 13 0

Story Song: Gooey - Glass Animals

Word Count: 858

A/N: Hey! I wasn't expecting to make this! I don't have anything planned out, but I'm digging writing this, so enjoy. I'm assuming I don't have to put a disclaimer for this considering it's a gang au. If I do, there's your disclaimer.

Aleks' P.O.V

I was reluctant to join before James.

I didn't understand why they needed me so much. I was just some twenty something Russian nobody who does the occasional coding and still wears sweater vests because I can't afford to buy new clothes, taking what I had from my mom before moving out.

I reflect on the first day I talked to The Creatures, coming far from where I was at the beginning, I guess you could say.

It was a cold night in Colorado and all I had to shield me from it was a light jacket that could be passible even on a summers day.

A car had been following me for maybe a block, and I noticed quickly, picking up my pace and pretending to dial someone, holding a fake conversation about my day with someone on the phone.

How sad was it that I had no actual friends to dial for this situation?

I would call my mom, but it would be out of character and the muggers or murderers would probably make fun of me as they beat me up.

They slowed down next to me, not completely stopping, for I was still walking.

"Hey, are you Aleksandr Marchant?" A gruff voice called out, and my head quickly snapped to look at them. I actually put my hand over the receiver so they would feel bad for interrupting. Got them.

"No." I responded, but they must have heard something in my tone or saw the look on my face, for they continued on as if I was him.

Which, I mean, I was.

Two men jumped out of the car, and I lurched in surprise, dropping my phone before taking off.

They weren't nearly as fast as me, but I heard the engine of the car revving and knew that I was no match for it's speed. I came to the end of the sidewalk, and the car turned into it, stopping.

I tried to dodge around it, but hands came from the trunk I hadn't realized was popped, pulling me in and keeping me down.

I squirmed, and the guy shouted out in aggravation, pressing his nails further into my skin.

The car hadn't started moving yet, and I wondered why for a brief second before realizing that I still needed to get out of here. With all my flailing, I managed to hit the guy straddling me somewhere apparently sensitive on his body, for his grip loosened and I wriggled out. I tried to jump out of the backseat, coming face to face with the two panting guys that were chasing after me. They laughed quickly, looking behind me at the guy who was groaning and rolling around (a bit dramatically if you ask me).

I held my hands up in surrender as they cornered me, shutting the doors of the van behind me.

"We're all good Dan!" A rap from the barrier separating the backseat from the front caused the car to start moving.

"So. Are we gonna have to drug you?" A thin man with shaggy blonde hair and a slight goatee asked, a smile on his face.

I shook my head quickly, figuring that I was already in here and I shouldn't cause anymore trouble than I already had.

"Fuck drugging, kill him!" A man with a British accent, the man I had hit in what I now realized was his crotch, groaned.

"Stop being so dramatic, Dex." A man in a.. Chicken mask(???) said.

"Don't say my name you stupid cock!" He stood, still rubbing his balls as he simultaneously glared at the man and snickered at his own joke.

I silently watched them interact and realize that there was no way these idiots could kill me. They knew my name anyways, maybe they were loan sharks? I'd borrowed money from some pretty sketchy people in this lifetime and I wouldn't be surprised if they were.

Not saying that's a good thing or anything, but it's pretty sweet compared to death.

A couple minutes later and we arrived at our destination.

"Hey, can you do us a favor?" The blonde guy asked.

"Oh sure, kidnapper. Anything for you." I said in disbelief.

"Look, we could have put this on you in the first place, but we didn't because we're nice, so either we hold you down and force it over your fucking head, or you cooperate." The guy quickly spat. I rolled my eyes, nodding my head as they placed a bag over my head and secured it with a tie.

One of them yanked my arms painfully behind my back, and that could either be the guy I hit in the balls or the guy who I gave attitude to, because I seemed to be alright with the chicken.

I practically fell out of the trunk, the only thing saving me being the guy who held my arms behind my back, and he wasn't so gentle.

I hissed in pain, and heard a snicker. It was the British one.

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