Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes and I couldn't move. So many questions were racing through my mind. "Where am I? Why is it so dark? Who am I? Why is th-" Then I heard foot steps. Walking in such a perfect rhythm that it was almost musical.

Then it all came back to me.

All of the memories. I am Blake Mathews. Actor, dancer, and most importantly, singer. I was 19 years old and was also about to get my soul sucked out of my body

"Well, well. Looks like our little pop sensation has finally woke up." Lucas. I knew his voice the second a word came out of his twisted, demented mouth. "The elixir usually doesn't take that long to wear off. This ones soul is gonna be a fighter." He said purposely trying to annoy me. "Just hurry and get this over with!" I said squirming around on this solid steel table. I already didn't like this. Then a voice I wasn't quite familiar with started to speak. "But it's not like we haven't had to deal with worse! Remember Richie Collon's? Now that was a fighter! Took you three hours just to pull his soul out! You really took a while on that one Lucas!" Then suddenly a wave of laughter flooded the room. I heard 25, maybe 30 voices at the most. Wow. A bunch of these monsters here just to watch me get my soul ripped out of my body. But when you think about it, it's not that bad. I mean, you get FAMOUS for Pete's sake! The whole eternity in hell was definitely a negative but I need this. It's not like every other celebrity hasn't done it! Seriously there are so many freakin conspiracies about the illumaniti and satanic groups its not even funny! There has to be like a "celebrity section" in hell right?

My family had never gotten into the whole religion thing so I don't know much about it. All I know it's that there are these demons that have taken human form and they do Satan's work by taking souls. Example A: Lucas. Tall, Handsome, Blonde, Pale, cunning, and intelligence all fused into a burning ball of evil. He is a "music producer" that discovered me singing in the streets of L.A. He said I have the looks and the talent to make it in this business. We started talking about my demo and he asked me think about something. Selling my soul. I was completely opposed to even the idea at first (even stopped talking to him for a few days) but then he explain it to me and slowly but surely he got me to tail along. I know I may seem stupid but from what he said it is completely and totally worth it and there's no going back now.

After they chatted for a few more minutes, Lucas calmed them down and they continued with the procedure. "This is a ceremony that can only be conducted while you are awake. Now I know that you are thinking this is crazy, but it will only hurt a pinch. Then he motioned for some of the other demons to take their place. One on each of my limbs, they held me down with a grip that said "I can and will break you if needed, so DON'T move a fucking muscle." Lucas started saying something that sounded both beautiful and sadistic at the same time. Then I heard him pick something up. I couldn't quite see it. Then his tone did a complete 360. He stared screaming, in clear English, "With this, the Dagger of Silence, I sacrifice this soul, to the almighty lord and supreme ruler Satan!!!" Throughout the entire time he is saying this I could see his hands literally start to shake and his eyes roll back into his head and then, I saw it. As if life slowed down to one frame per second it was about a 8 inch blade, a sleek, dark black evil looking blade. But the handle of it was the most memorable part. Dark Reds and Blacks swirled around the handle forming two snakes, with the name "Lucifer" inscribed on the glass on the sides, and then held within the glass, the most beautiful flame you have ever seen. Then time caught back up to me and the dagger plunged into my heart. All I can say is "Just a pinch" my ass.

When I gained consciousness I woke with the most pain/anger filled scream I'm surprised the people there didn't go deaf. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Lucas. Fucking Lucas. He calmed me down and told me to take a look at myself. Very first thing I checked for was a scar. Where the "Dagger of Silence" or whatever stabbed me. None. Whew. Then I looked up and I saw my eyes. Red as a motherfucking fire truck and they were glowing...

"I don't know how I'll explain this to people!" I muttered angrily towards Lucas.

Then he reassured me."Oh don't worry about that! It will fade after about 24 hours or so."

Then I said "Oh and another thing..." I slapped him as hard as humanly- er- Demonly possible. I could tell that I was stronger. Not like lift a building stronger but strong enough to lift a bus.

"That's perfect! I've always wanted to be the trainer of a strength dominate body!" Lucas said. Obviously I had no idea what he was talking about do I had to ask. He told me that there are three types of demon souls that take place of your human soul. Mentally Dominate, Magically Dominate, and Physically Dominate. As each entails they have dominate traits in one of the three powers. Every demon had all of the powers but each was stronger with a certain type.

After another series of questions I asked "Can I just go home?" Then he instantly replied " No! You are on 48 hour quarantine from the outside world. No exceptions. Until then, you will be here. That time will also give you reason to read this and learn about your powers." Then he handed me a book with a lock on it.

"How do I open this?" I asked

"With blood of course!" He said that as if it didn't phase him. Then I saw his lip curve ever so slightly and I could tell he craved it. By that curve in his lip I can tell I've gotten myself into something I shouldn't have.

"Don't you think I deserve a rest from pain for now?"

Then with out an ounce of doubt in his voice he said "You don't even know the meaning of the word PAIN!"

Then he turned on the ball if his foot and walked out of the room as if it had been a rehearsed movement....

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