Chaper 2

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After Lucas left the room the only thing I could do was read this book he has given me. I couldn't completely see it because of how dark it was..... Which reminded me, I needed to turn on the lights to even read it. I could see that I was towards the back of the room so I started to walk towards the door. Feeling along the wall as I went so I didn't fall. It was so cold and slimy! It also gave off an eerie feeling like the walls were alive, but I shook off the feeling and continued along. I felt another door. "Better wait until I have the door unlocked to check that." I thought. I continued along the wall until I was at the main door. I checked on the outside rim of it and I found the switch. "Aha!" I thought aloud. I flicked it on and what I saw when I turned around will permanently be burned into my skull for the rest of my life.

The first thing that I noticed was was two bodies, one male, one female, lying about 10 feet away from me. Jumbled up on the floor, they looked like they had been scratched by a bear claw all over their body. They also had maggots crawling all over their bodies and flies all around them. Then the worst part was that they had no face, probably ripped off during my sacrifice. I remember Lucas talking about how they needed two additional human sacrifices for mine. I then tried to avert my eyes, by running to the extra room, but that room was even worse. Bodies hung by the neck, deteriorating bodies of rats and humans alike, little animals and small demons eating off of the bodies, satanic symbols and the number 666 written all over the walls. Then I puked, all over the place.

After I collected my self I forced myself to gather the courage to move the bodies in the main room to the second room. Then I found the book that I had long sincere dropped. Then I walked over to the table where the ceremony had been conducted and found a knife. According to Lucas, I had to use my blood to open it. I had never cut before but I have had friends that do it. They turn out fine, I just can't cut deep. I put the knife against my skin on my arm and tried to will up the courage to just press down harder, but I just couldn't do it! I don't know why. I am demon now for fucks sake. So I forced my hand down onto my wrist and I watched as the first few droplets of blood rose out from the newly made split in my vein. Then I turned my wrist to where it was hovering over the book and waited for the drops of blood to fall onto the book. The book actually absorbed the blood and the lock turned and clicked. The book was now opened. The first thing I read was the title, " Demonic's, Satanism, and More." Well. This should be interesting. I skipped to the part about my powers and started to read from there. "Physically Dominate demons usually- blah blah blah." "To gain more strength you can make regular sacrifices to satan- blah blah blah, but there was one thing that caught my eye. When physically dominate demons get over reactive with their emotions their senses become incredibly enhanced and their strength can be multiplied up to 50 times. So basically when I get mad I'm gonna get "road rage". Fun. I couldn't help but get a slight curve in my smile. "The more I get into this whole demon thing the more I like it." I thought to myself. After reading more into the book and memorizing and reciting the spells to myself I felt as though I should test my powers. I walked into the second room and calmed myself from the horrible visuals and horrible stench. I then pulled the fire ball spell from my mind and aimed my arm towards where I wanted it to go. The I said "Ignitus Flamborium." Then I felt an over coming amount of warmth come from the center of my cheek and then explode out of my hand. Flying past a few of the bodies the fire ball flew towards the back of the room and left a scorch mark on the wall that looked like a bomb had just went off. "Woah." I though aloud. This is freaking awesome! Reading through the book I read about more spells. Duplication, Death, Time Freeze, Demon Spawning, Memory Erasing. Wow. They have a spell for freaking everything!!!! I read through the rest of the book and then I fell asleep. It was kinda weird falling asleep on a table that you had literally just had you soul ripped out on, but it was the only thing that wasn't on the floor and I didn't want to know what was on the floor at night.

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