chapter 4: Rules

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(Ryan's pov)

WTF! This guy is out of his mind! He has me tied up on his bed while he talks about how happy he is to finally have me to himself. And that I'm his Luna, and that I'm never gonna get away. But the next thing he practically whispers "if I take out your gag do you promise that you won't scream or make any snarky comments?" Amost emiditly I shake my head wanting this thing out of my mouth it feels like it's giving my dry mouth tons of microscopic paper cuts. He then moves slowly towards the gag gently pulling it down to my neck area."do you need a drink?your mouth must be like a desert." I nodded my head not ready to use my voice just yet. He then turned around getting a bottle unscrewing it putting it up to my mouth. I drank in eagerly causing him to chuckle. Once my mouth was no longer dry I spit in his face yelling " you fucking cunt let me go this instance!!! Their gonna find me and your gonna be behind bars where you belong!!!" I could of sworn that his eyes turned from green to red. He lifted his hand bring it down hard on my face makeing me bite my tongue, blood filling my mouth I cry out. He then left the room leaving me tied up blood poring out my mouth.

This chapter is kinda short but yeah. If you have any suggestions I would like to read them in the comments

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