The Ghost at the End of the Hall

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In 2013, Mr. Picot stayed late at the middle school to grade a few papers in his classroom in the 7th grade hallway. His wife was in the 8th grade hall computer room, setting up for testing in the morning. He was growing tired and hungry as it neared 6 PM, and decided to collect his wife after he used the restroom. As he stepped out of the bathroom, he began to head down the 7th grade hall to the beginning of the 8th grade hall when he heard noises in a fellow teacher's classroom. It was the sound of a chair being dragged across the room. As far as he was aware, him and his wife were the only ones left in the main building of the school.

"I didn't know you stayed behind, Kaleb," Mr. Picot said as he entered the social studies classroom. He looked around but Mr. Cook wasn't in there. Instead, there was a single chair sitting on top of a desk. Mr. Picot quickly left the room, spooked that there was nobody in the classroom. He hurried down the hall, only for the door to Mr. Cook's classroom to slam shut. He entered the computer room, his wife was just finishing putting down blank sheets of paper under the keyboards.

"Are you okay?" She was concerned. "What was that slam?"

"I don't know. I think we need to leave," Mr. Picot said as his eyes darted toward the door of the computer room.

"Let me get my coat and purse." Mrs. Picot grabbed her things and took her husband's hand as they left the room. They were about to turn the corner into the 7th grade hall when Mrs. Picot saw a dark shadow at the end of the hall. Without a single word, she picked up her pace, and Mr. Picot got the hint to hurry up. Just as they reached Mr. Picot's classroom, they both heard laughter at the end of the hall. Standing under a rapidly blinking light stood a tall dark figure. Mr. and Mrs. Picot left through the door in Mr. Picot's classroom that lead to the front parking lot, never turning around to see if the figure followed them.

Mr. and Mrs. Picot were so spooked that neither of them stayed late at the school after that day. Mr. Picot told the class in late September as Archery Club was starting up and the practices ran late, sometimes until 7 PM. He suggested none of us went into the hallway alone and stay in groups of three or four. Come May 2014, he put in his notice and transferred to be a librarian in another city.

The history of the building:

The middle school Mr. Picot and his wife worked at was originally built as a high school in 1961 then turned into a middle school in 1988. There were additions to the building such as the annex and school library. New additions were completed in 2018. The school is on the Trail of Tears. As many horrible things happened during that time period, who knows exactly what the figure actually is.

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