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Take dis music, this is how basically the crew and SMG3 feels rn :b

(luckily this chapter doesn't have anything bad! Only dead bodys and blood <3)

*after that soft and sweet kiss SMG3 gave to SMG4 he felt sleepy as fuck so he decided to sleep next to the dead body of SMG4*
(yeah, crazy like that)


*next day the alarm sounds and SMG3 waked up, he suddently felt the smell of something rotting as he looks right... Then to the left and OH GOD-...!SMG3 got jumpscared as he saw his partner dead without any of his organs, he get up from the bed and rushed to the left side of his bed*

SMG3: "oh god oh god hoh god nononono SMG4 y-.. I.. I did-.. This-..!?"

*SMG3 broke in tears and fear covering his mouth as he saw SMG4 dead. He stares at his own hands again*

SMG3: "i-... Im a cannibal-.... no NO NO NOOOO!!"

*SMG3 punches the wall of his room in frustration, fear and sadness*

SMG3: "my partner is dead.. Now whos gonna give me love Comprehension and tenderness?!"

*SMG3 stared at the dead body of SMG4 and gets closer to it*

SMG3: "i'm.. Truly sorry my dear SMG4...i couldn't resist..."

SMG3: "(damn i need a bath.. I smell bad as fuck)"

*im gonna skip this part lmao. SMG3 leaved the dead body of SMG4 in his room for now, he gets to the main lobby of his coffee bombs and starts his daily routine of 9 hours*

*someone unexpected came in the shop, it was Mr puzzles, he sit down on a table that Eggdog asigned for him, as soon as he sits SMG3 noticed him and fast goes mad speak to him*

SMG3: "OI! didn't we had enough from you?! GET OUT!"

*Mr puzzles was laughing at SMG3 and decided to took SMG3's hand bring him to the storage. He trows SMG3 at the wall making him gasp in a bit of pain, Mr puzzles leans closer to him and began to speak*

Mr puzzles:" my my SMG3... Look at you may see... Boxes came infront of your door and those where... You already know.....tell me.. How did they tasted like~?"

*SMG3 as he hears Mr puzzles say this he fully shocks himself, emotions where on his mind such as fury and disgust towards that information*

SMG3: "y-you... N-.. No you... y-.."

*SMG3 couldn't finish his sentence as Mr puzzles became to talk again*

Mr puzzles: "send you those organs? HAHA! OF COURSE YOU DUMMY"

*Mr puzzles get up and laughs at SMG3 maniacally*

SMG3: "nononono... What... No.."

*SMG3 holds his head in fear at what he has become thanks by him and started to tear a bit*

*Mr puzzles pins SMG3 to the wall as he sees SMG3 about to punch him*

*Mr puzzles pins SMG3 to the wall as he sees SMG3 about to punch him*

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 02, 2024 ⏰

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