Chapter 26:The Last Ingredients

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Laceys POV
I have been gathering ingredients to decloak the sources lair for about a month now. We are running out of time I have to finish the potion tonight or I fear we won't make it in time to save her. The ritual is at midnight. Seeing that it is 6 pm now we have six hours. I also believe I know how to kill the source though its gonna take all of us to do it and then some. As I am running back from "borrowing" the last ingredient I need for the potion from an angry troll, what happens I trip. I am swept off my feet by this troll and just as he is about to swallow me I throw my hands at the ground then up to cause sand to go into his eyes distracting him long enough for me to go back threw the portal I came through.
Jogging back in the house out a breath and quite shook up, I wave the troll hair and scream I got it! I am greeted with cheers and claps. I waste no time I have to get to work mixing the ingredients. One fairy wing, I say to myself thank god I wasn't the one to rip the wings off this lovely creature I just bought it at a local wicca shop. One vampire fang, now this was a task to get. I am too back to the night Matt, Brooke, and I "borrowed" this tooth. It took days to find the entrance to the cave. We walked inside and the vampires wore not aware of our presents because as you might have learned I love being in costume. I approached a sleeping vampire I know I would have to catch it off guard because fully awake I stand no chance. Vampire are stronger and not to mention fast as shit. I raised my hand and made a swift jerk and pulled the tooth loose with my powers. I was flung off the vampire when he jolted awake in pain and anger. He hadn't discovered me as I was out of there with my return home potion the moment my feet hit the floor. Sticking around to face his rath was not an option. I was pulled back from my thoughts by snapping fingers of Brooke saying, "Hey I know your tired but you have to stay focused." I nodded and continued mixing the potion. One pigs feet, pinch of salt, spash of holy water, and finally hair of a troll.

Courtney's POV
I have been alone in the cell for about a month now. All I have been fed is bread and water. I am dying for the taste of real food and a bath. I feel like I been dipped in the sewer. My friends weren't coming I had given up on that fantasy days ago. The ritual I'd scheduled go start in four hours and I havent been saved. The back of my mind wanted to believe they would come I just wasn't hopeful. I jump in surprise as the dungeon door is thown open. My cage is opened and I am roughly grabbed by a demon, I named him brutas because I don't know his name and he is a brut demon. He roughly throws me down at the foot of the thrown in the thrown room. I am chained to a metal pillar with heavy metal chains. Watching all the demons prepare the settings for the ritual I feel tears well up in my eyes. Looking around I am suprised at how little reinforcent the source hand called for tonight. It was just his queen, himself, and two guards at the door. He must know that noone is coming for me or the children. I have came to know his Queen as the bitch that stole my baby brother. I lay my head on the marble floor and fall asleep.

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