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***Laurels POV***

Laurel was speachless, and the car stopped. 'I.. I have to think about it.' Harry looked confused. 'Why do you wanna think about it?' 'Some certain reasons.' said Laurel. 'Okay, I get it. Why don't we date tonight?' 'Okay.' said Laurel, a little tensed. The car stopped. 'See ya tonight!' 'See ya!' and Harry gave Laurel a kiss on her cheek, as always.

Laurel walked into the house, but there stood her dad, in the door. 'Where have you been all day?' 'Long story, nothing special.' Laurel wanted to go upstairs. 'Wait, was the news of Harry in the newspaper..' Before Laurel's dad could finish his sentice Laurel nodded. 'Yes it was and I'm having a date tonight so may I please go upstairs now?' Laurels dad nodded and Laurel ran upstairs. 

Laurel quickly showered and sat down for her closet. Normally she always ask Chelsea for these things.. She wanted to call her. She sighted and turned her phone one. She didn't check it for three days. Just, scared of reactions and stuff. But when she opened her inbox, she saw 200 messages, and all were from Chelsea. Laurel took a deep breath, and called Chelsea. In two seconds Chelsea was talking. 'Laurel!' 'Yeah?' 'I missed you so much!' 'I'm so sorry Chels.. I need your help!' 'On my way babe!' And Chelsea hung up. Laurel smiled. Harry was right. Chelsea is the best friend ever.

~ 15 minutes later ~ 

'Laurel?' Laurel opened the door, ran to Chelsea and hugged her. 'I missed you so much.' wishpered Chelsea. 'I missed you too.' Chelsea and Laurel hugged a little longer but then Chelsea had enough. She wasn't really a cuddle-kid. 'So, what's your problem?' 'I'm having a date tonight..' Chelsea started screaming. 'With who? Harry?' Laurel nodded. 'You're joking, I don't believe you prove it my gosh Laurel!'    'Are you done with fangirling?' said Laurel. Chelsea nodded. 'You need the most perffect dress in history!' 'I don't have a dress!" 'a skirt?' 'I hate that' 'Sorry.' 'Your pink tight pants!' 'Yeah, but what to wear up it?' Chelsea sighted. 'Laurel, you're horrible with cloths!' Laurel laughed. 'You're right.' Chelsea dropped all her cloths on the bed and started looking at them. 'Oh My Gosh. Laurel, you're having the best thing ever to wear!' Chelsea hold a blue blouse and a high black jeans in the air. 'You're having the best cloths ever okay!' Laurel grabbed the cloths and pulled them on. 'What do you think?' 'Perfect!' Laurel was so happy with Chelsea as friend. 'Cmon, let me do your hair, make-up and nials!' 'Okay, deal.' Laurel sat down on her chair, while Chelsea was busy doing her hair, make-up and nails. 'You've should become a stylist!' 'Yeah, I know. I think I wanna change it. I don't even like becoming a doctor!' Laurel laughed. 'I told you so..' 

~ a hour later ~ 

A little bit tensed sat Laurel down, waiting untill Harry came. Chelsea was already home, but she wanted to know every. single. detail of the date. Laurel laughed, she wouldn't tell everything.. After sitting down, a long time, Harry pat on the door. 'Laurel?' 'Yeah, I'm coming!' Laurels dads stood infront of the door. 'He brings you home, right?' 'Yes dad, no worries, love you!" Laurel kissed her dad on the cheek and walked out the door. 'Hi!' Harry looked at Laurel. 'You look gorgeous!' Laurel smiled. 'Thanks.' They walked to the car, and Harry took a mask that covered Laurels eyes. 'Put it on okay!' Laurel did it. 'Why?' 'I want it to be a suprise where were going.' 'Okay.' Laurel jumped in the car and Harry start driving.

~ a half hour later~ 

'Come, walk with me okay.' Laurel nodded en grabbed Harry's hand. She couldn't see anything, so she was happy that he helped her. She felt some little stones under her feet, and Laurel was a littlebit unbalanced, because she was wearing high heels. 'Are we nearly there yet?' asked Laurel. She was really inquisitive because she wanted to know what it was. 'Pull of your mask .' wishpered Harry. Laurel pulled her mask of. She stood in a fairy garden, in the middle of a heart, made of little candles. 'It's so beautiful.' wishpered Laurel. She walked to the middle of it, and looked eveywhere. After she stood a quarter in the middle, when Harry genlte took her hand, and brought her to the table. It was so perfect thaught Laurel. Harry had cooked a whole dinner. 'This taste so good!' said Laurel and Harry blushed. 'Where have you learnt that?' 'MY mum learnt me, and Liam did too.' Laurel smiled. 'It's delicious.' Harry and Laurel eat, laughed and talked, and there were no awkward moments. After two hours they finished dinner, Harry stood up. ''It's late, I have to drive you home..' Laurel nodded. 'Yeah, I guess.´ 

~ 20 minutes later ~ 

'This is such a good song!' said Laurel while they were driving home. 'Yeah, I know. One of my favourits!' Laurel smiled. Harry and Laurel sang with the song. They were in Laurels street, and Harry parked the car. They walked to the door.

When they were infront of the house, Laurel searched her keys. ´So, thanks for the night.´ Laurel smiled. ´I really enjoyed it.´ ´You´re welcome said Harry.´ They steped a little closer, and looked eachother in the eyes. 'Laurel' stameled Harry. 'Yes' answered Laurel. 'No matter what you'll say, I'll always love you. Please, please just say yes?' asked Harry, while he looked to the ground. Laurel smiled. 'Yes. Yes, I love you too and yes, I wanna be your girlfriend.'

Harry looked up. 'I love you.' 'I love you too.' stameled Laurel. They looked deeped in eachother eyes, and smiled. Harry bow down, closer to Laurel to kiss her. Laurel kissed back. It was a sweet gentle kiss. Harry couldn't stop smiling. 'Thank you, for saying yes.' and they kissed again.

There was a time.. *ON HOLD*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu