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Hai there. <3

First of all: If you're reading this message right now: THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR READING.I'd never thaught I'd get a thausand reads, it's unreal! So thank you for that.

The second; I'm in a HUGE disaster.Because, I really lovew riting this story, but it isn't really good, or what it was supposed to be.. So I might delete it, and create a new story. So let me know your oppinion.

Third: Feel free to fan me, ask for a fan back <3.

You also can find me on twitter as @sheeranbear_ 

Also feel free to kik me; my kik's sheeranbear_

Okay, so just let me know what you think about what I said here above, and thanks for reading.

xx xhoranhug.

There was a time.. *ON HOLD*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu