The begaining

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My life has pretty much been screwed from the beginning. No point in saying it hasn't because it is. A man named Garret Mavis Bodora who is in charge of the Bodora clan has been after me since my birth. He's a Dragrian. They're planet is called Zoplapno. Whoever came up with that name is off their nutter... anyway, Dragrian's look like dragons except they have basically a human body but their faces look like dragons. To me anyway, they have horns that are like dragons too. Majority of Dragrian's horns point upwards and the few that's horns that point down are called Darashma. Which means unlucky in their language. I still find it weird that Dragrians live in different clans...

Now back to the story

I sighed deeply as I was lying on my bed. I was exhausted but I didn't want to sleep because I knew what I'd dream of. I'd dream of the day that Bastard Garret wrecked my life. I tried fighting against my closing eyes but it was useless. They closed and I was now trapped in my never ending nightmare.
In my old house back on earth


I sat up in my bed, the room had a lot of light shining in a huge window, the floor was wooden and there was a wardrobe, dressing table and chest bursting with toys. The walls were a delicate pink. I put one of my feet on the floor and pulled my foot back under the blanket. The dressing table was right beside me so I stretched behind getting a drawer open, I got socks and had a attempt at putting them on. On the sixth try I got them on and walked to the door, I couldn't reach the nob so I noticed a small green chair and pulled it to the door. I stood on the chair and turned the nob, the door opened outwards to a dark hall.i was actually really smart for a three year old. I scuttled along it until I came to an old wooden staircase. I sat down on the top step and slowly slid forward until I was on the next one. I kept on doing that until I was the last step. Once I was down, I looked around, above me was old oak beams that were displayed, there was a fireplace on the far wall and that wall had been painted green the surrounding walls were white and one of the walls there was a sword in the ground and a rose had grew around it. The floor of this room was wooden and in front of the fireplace was a white sofa and a white fluffy rug that was oval. I noticed there was presents of different size, shape and colour. They were wrapped in delicate wrapping paper. Nosily, I approached the presents and read quietly to myself "To Tydon, from Mom and dad", I always wondered who Tydon was. I guess if the Bodora hadn't attacked I might have met him.
I froze when I smelled something sweet, I hesitantly went to the kitchen door, the door was open and someone was singing. I saw a counter and I hid behind and peeked over the counter to see a human women, she had black bushy hair that came to her shoulders, she had a flawless face with a small nose, she had pink cheeks and full lips, her eyes were turquoise and she was completely unaware of me.
It was hard to think that she was my mother, she turned to the cooker again, Turing her back to me . At that I took my chance and went to the back doors, they were glass and looked out to a garden with a colours and types so roses. I loved that garden, I loved listening to all the noises from all over the neighbourhood. I just loved I loved nature, I opened the door and just before closing it, I smelt that strange sweet smell which made my mouth water. Once the door was closed, I skipped to my favourite blue rose, I loved the smell of it, there was an slight smell of earth to it. "Bella" my mother called I turned around seeing her standing with her arms crossed "I was just smelling them" I pointed out. She didn't reply but shifted her weight from her left leg then to her right, I knew she wasn't amused so I copied her and gave her my best scowling face hoping that she'd laugh and it worked, she laughed and smiled as she crouched and creepy closer "I'm going to gobble you up" she declared as she kept coming forward, with a burst of adrenaline from no where I ran to the back of the garden and hid behind a tree, I peeked around and realised she wasn't there so I looked up and saw her looking at as if I was her prey. I didn't understand how she climbed that tree so fast. I ran in the house, I still don't know how I was in the house in a split second. I ran to the other side of the counter I was hiding behind. I took slow deep breaths as I heard her pass by. I don't know how long I hid there. "Ok bella, I give up" she called from the living room. I slowly walked to the sofa and looked up at her. She smiled "you are getting more like your father everyday" she commented as she picked me up "hell bella, I remember when you were a tiny little thing, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I couldn't believe you were mine" her words warmed my heart. I giggled and became alert to a presence. I looked to see a dragrian women. I nearly jumped out of my moms arms "Auntie Andrea" I screamed in joy. She smiled "hello bella, Miranda" she told, she was holding a young dragrian. "We're not stopping long, I've got a hundred things to do" she explained. She put the young dragrian on the floor. My mom put me on the floor too, I cautiously approached the kid. He turned from his mother to face me, he was smirking. His eyes were a light gem blue, his skin had a little bit of grey in it. He was a Darashma, his horns pointed down. "Hello bell" his voice was low. A large smile got on to my face "hey" I squeaked. I don't have any other memory's of this boy, I didn't say his name. In all my time of dreaming, I'd always wondered who he was and his mother. I ran and hugged him, I was bouncing of the ground with excitement "want to play a game?" I offered and he nodded "how about tig" he suggested and I nodded and slapped his hand "you're it" I shouted as I ran into the kitchen. We ran around the counters until my mother told us to go outside. Once we were outside we continued playing, after awhile we got tired and sat down in the middle of the garden, we started a carry on and he accidentally hit me too hard and I went to cry. He hugged me tightly "sorry" he mumbled then he looked at me "are we still friends?" He asked with a smile on his lips. I nodded "we're the best of friends forever and ever" I foretold hugging him. I don't know why I was so attached to him. We both realised that our mothers were watching us with curious looks. They opened the glass doors "we have to leave son" the boy's mother told, I saw his face sadden "do we have to?" he moaned with his voice breaking. She gave him a look and he sighed "bye bell" he murmured then went to his mother. She picked him up "bye" I called waving. Once they were gone, I went back to my favourite rose bush. Unexpectedly, my mother picked me up "don't worry you'll see him again" she assured. She carried me to the living room and sat down. "Bella, I need to tell you something" she stated I nodded, waiting for her to continue "you and I have a gift" she told "what gift?" i asked in confusion "we have..." She paused, maybe she was looking for the right words "special abilities. Do you remember all my story's of vampires" she asked and I remembered. She told me that they would kill people for their blood and that they couldn't go out in to the sun.they had amazing abilities and that they weren't all bad. "All the stories are true and we are them. We are a unique kind, we aren't completely dead. We can stop and start our hearts, we don't have to drink blood and we have those amazing abilities" she told. I looked at her in disbelief. We fell silent as we stared at one and other. I heard the front door bang and I stood up on the sofa. I saw a dragrian man standing at the door looking around wearily "dad" I screeched and he seemed startled by my little outburst. "Oh hell, bell. You'll give me a heart attack one day" he joked. I climbed off the sofa and ran and hugged his leg. I stood on his dragon foot and held onto his leg as he walked in the room "so how's my little hybrid today?" he asked as I stood back from him "happy as one can be" I smiled. He crouched down so I wasn't looking up "that's good, now if I remember it's someone's birthday" he smirked. I huffed "of course it is, it's my birthday" I crossed my arms "oh is it?" He teased. I don't really remember what happen, I do remember an argument but it was hazy. It was something about that woman and her son and the Bodora.
The Bodora were nuts for allowing Garret to influence them that I was evil and had to be purged.

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