Hey y'all.
I know a lot of folks are panicking. Looking for a quick fix to this mess. But the reality is we didn't get here overnight, and we're not going to get out anytime soon.
We've been the frog in the pot of water for years...the temperature slowly climbing, acting like "this is fine." Ignoring- and even celebrating- the fact that our discourse has become more shallow, our understanding less nuanced, our education based on cramming information rather than intellectual development, our entertainment more crass and voyeuristic, and our consumption? Maniacal.
Stupidity, hatred, and greed. The first one births the latter, and eventually, it's all we came to crave.
History has ostensibly taught us everything we needed to know to avoid this moment, but we were too busy watching The Bachelor to learn.
How many of us have drowned our existential dread in a Netflix binge instead of a well-researched article or book?
How many times have we resorted to an Amazon "splurge" when this all got too much instead of volunteering or donating?
How many parents are pushing teachers to manipulate grades in service to a sport, rather than pushing their children to focus on knowledge, a gift that will stay with them long after their bodies can no longer compete?
There are a hundred examples of small decisions, tiny moments, that have led us to the brink. And of COURSE, not all of these things, in of themselves, are BAD or the cause of our despair. But when compounded over time and practice and years....
It is as if we've been feeding our brains and spirits metaphorical fast food and ice cream for a decade and then wondering why our minds and souls are "fat and lazy."
The signs were all there. The warnings were crystal clear. We watched our health decline and decline, yet we ordered the fries anyway.
So to get back on track? It's going to take time and EFFORT. Memes and bracelets and t-shirts are not going to fix what's broken in the bones of America. They will heal from nourishment, patience, and the hard work of rehabilitation.
I believe we can do it. But it's a long road, and we have to want it. We can't expect our nation to be strong if we never exercise it.
America- It's time to start putting up some weight.
Pic by DCTdigipicture