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When we land, I don't feel like walking so I just pretend to be sleeping. It didn't work.

"Cam! Wake up! We're here!" I jolt up. I smile over at Cassidy and she smirks. We're going to go meet some people. We get to the beach house and I run inside picking the best room I could find. Seeing there's only three rooms we have to share. Here's how the rooms go.
Room 1- Michael, Christain
Room 2- Me, Maddi, Cassidy
Room 3- Ashton, Calum, Luke.
As much as I love Luke, I didn't wanna share a room with him. I set my bags down on the bed that me and Cassidy have to share. I look out of our bedroom window and I look at the ocean.

"Let's go swimming." I say changing into my bikini. I run downstairs and everyone follows behind me. Let's go swimming!

Me and Maddi walk along the beach. I'll admit I am pretty cliche but that's only because my girl loves cliche.

"I love you babe." I smile as her lips connect with mine.

"Your so cheesy." She says holding my hand. I smirk.

"Oh, you know you love it." I hear gagging behind me. I turn around and Cassidy's standing there.

"What you guys are so cute together, but that was kinda gross." I roll my eyes walking away from her. I see Cameryn go inside. She probably had to pee.

Ashton Irwins  little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now