Chapter Two - K.C?

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Chapter Two: K.C?

We enter the house; the wood had thick dust in them, and everything seemed different on the outside, compared to the inside. Every window seemed a little broken, and the fridge light didn't seem to work, but flickered every once in a while. I sat down on a dusty spot in one of the larger bedrooms, that made me cough, I and open a small quantity of beans from my bag back. I slowly eat, with a lot of thoughts racing in my mind. I pressed my head against the wall, closing my eyes, just relaxing. My body stiffened, and I took a deep breath in, then out, multiple times, trying to cool down.

"Guys. Um.. If we stay here, wouldn't the police find us? By tomorrow, we'll have police dogs, and cops on us, and 'this' isn't a runaway," I sighed, "This is just walking like what, twenty-five minutes away from our homes? Runaways are going somewhere far or at least three to four hours away." After that mini-speech, I closed my eyes again thinking of where to go, but my mind was like a blank sheet of paper. I had nothing. Neither would they; obviously.

"Yeah," K.C Added, as she feasted on her hard instant noodles hungrily, "Our parents obviously would call 9-1-1 and they'd find us in an instant." We looked over to Allie, who was fidgeting with her fingers. Looking at the floor, probably thinking of a comeback, or a smart answer or whatever, but you can tell she didn't have one.

"My parents don't know I have this key," She said simply, holding it up then waving it annoyingly in your faces. Wait no, her uncles keys or something. K.C and I exchanged looks, as I took a small bite of my beans and opened my mouth to speak.

"But we needed to get as far away as possible think of it as if we were on the run on a t.v show or something; Step One: Get as far away as possible. Step Two: Keep yourself off the radar. Step Three.." I started.

"Oh gosh Alia, you watch one too many T.v shows." K.C laughed, punching me slightly on the arm. I stared at her narrowing my eyes, and she glanced into them for less than a second, and looked away blushing awkwardly, she knew what I was thinking; This was not a time for joking.

"OK, maybe I do," I admitted truthfully, "but the point is, we need to go," I lowered my voice, not whispering but said loud enough for both of my friends to hear "as lovely as this is Al," I beamed, then quickly coughed because of the dust in the room,and began to speak in a disgusted tone, "we need to go."

"Wait, what if we run out of food?" I asked, looking down at my empty can of beans , I just gobbled up sighing.

"Don't be silly, Alia," Allie began, "Yes, were going to run out of food someday, but that's not about what we should be focusing on." Allie searched through her mind thinking of what she should say next, "Maybe we should focus on getting a house, I'll buy us an apartment, my mom puts in like 500 my debit card, every two.." She trailed off, with an unhappy look on her face.  Allie and K.C looked at me as if saying what do you think? They always give me that look, I'm the one who's always thinking things through.

"People can track where and when the debit card has been used, it's easy access. No." I sighed running my fingers through my hair.

Allie is nice and funny, but spoiled, and wasn't ready for this. For the real world. No mom or dad or whatever to put in like one thousand dollars  every month or so, but she had to take on the challenges. K.C wasn't like Allie, she was ready, for sure, she took on challenges, many and maybe she was the most ready here. But me, I didn't know where I stood I am still finding my self and that's OK. Right?

"Can we go?" I said pointing to the door. Allie still looking bummed out, nodded, so did K.C. "Great, lets go." I lead the way out of house.

We walked and walked, down the road, time slipping by faster than I thought, "We've been walking for officially one hour." I said looking at my watch.

K.C rolled her eyes and yawned, "Great." She said sarcastically, "Your gonna check that one off your bucket list?" K.C said harshly. I didn't reply, and just stayed quiet continuing looking at my feet. I looked to K.C who's eyes was fixed on something, I followed her eyes to a paper nailed onto a post was a neon ugly sign that hurt my eyes, with each of our photos on it, and our full names. Oh god. I gulped onto nothing but air scared and worried. Allie and K.C looked over to me for a plan, I stood there blankly blinking my eyes multiple times. We are now officially on the run, whether we liked it or not. Honestly, it was more scary than exciting.

"We need a cab or something, get as far away as possible." K.C suggested, running away wasn't going to be easy, and as I explained before, we had to go, far far away. Maybe to another city, we had enough money, more than enough actually, so we can afford a couple of cabs, and Allie was loaded, so that would've helped with this, a lot.

"No, no." I said looking down, "Whoever see us will give us away. God don't you guys ever think?"

"Anyways," K.C Started, "Um..First of all ouch. So I've been here a lot, there's a store about 3 or 4 miles away, there's never anyone there, we could put on our scarfs, hoodies up and our hats low. "

"Yeah. Agreed." Allie said reaching into her bag.

"Okay." I said, that's the first good idea you guys had. I planned this all out. You guys do, I think.

"OK," K.C said dryly, "Me. Need. Water. Thirsty" She pretend coughed, holding onto my shoulder, acting to collapse. I shrugged her off of my shoulder.

"Stop it, OK?" I demanded, or at least tried to. "You've been fooling around as if you don't you see what we're doing!? God. I just can't, I've been doing everything for god sake, uh A- Allie was about to use a credit card! You we're going to catch a cab,  just stop it okay?"

"Jeez Alia. Sorry we're not exactly Einstein. Or you know, like we didn't think this plan over for months like you! And, and  we're new to this whole freaking idea!" Allie yelled quietly, if that's even possible. She pushes her black hair behind her ear, as K.C was playing with her fingers.

"Let's just go, okay? Now isn't the time, put on your scarfs and hats." I said, not even looking at them. We stayed quiet for a little.

Managing to break the silence K.C  said, "You know lets go to the market tomorrow! Its late, we should just sleep on that beach," she pointed far ahead to a small beach, with a very small population, surprisingly it was empty but had one or two beach houses on it. It was a perfect spot to rest, and lay down and get a good night sleep, but it was risky, considering that were on the run now.

We made it there in about thirty-minutes, shrugging my jacket off and laid it down beneath me on the sand resting my body between K.C and Allie, closing my eyes, I heard the sweet sounds of the waves bird chirping, this is where I wanted to be.It was hard to sleep, as time slipped by, it got colder and I was haunted by every thought, I tried closing my eyes forcing my body to sleep but It didn't work. None of it did. Instead, I just closed my eyes took a couple of breaths in and out, loosen up and smiled, shutting my eyes.

I woke up to the bright sunrise at 5 AM, squinting my eyes adjusting to the light, I groaned shifting my body over, to both sides, yawning, then shortly quickly panicking, I looked to the both sides of myself: K.C was missing. Gone, K.C was gone. My heart raced, and one thousand thoughts shot through my mind. What if she got kidnapped? Or maybe she poofed gone or something somehow? Maybe our fight caused this? But I knew one thing: I definitely wouldn't leave without her; No matter what happens. I look to my side to see a note.

. . .

I am super sorry this was short, soon in other chapters I Will have longer like 4-5 pages, but I got really busy! :-( So, yeah! Comment, vote and tell your friends! Lastly, I dedicate this chapter to:  @5SOS4ever2828 :* Okay, Haha Bye! P.s Don't be a silent reader! Comment below! By the Way, don't be shy, You can do reading requests below I Don't mind at all! :-) Alright Peace Out!

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