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my curls tangled up on my head into a bun like my thoughts tangle in my head,

but i am beautiful,

my stature although small can move mountains like wind moves the trees in a summer breeze,

my skin is not perfect, i know this to be true,

but my blemishes do not make me as a human being because my smile lights up rooms,

my style, although it may be subtle, is uniquely me,

my legs are not model long but they get me to where i need to go,

and i am beautiful,

my body is the root and my personality grows from within my blooming soul and bursts out the seams,

i may be shy but that doesn't mean i am weak,

for i can move mountains with my voice if i please,

i am beautiful despite my insecurities,

my flaws are what make,

my heart is as wild as my curls although i may not seem for it to be,

my passion is rooted deep within me, you cant contain it into something as simple as words,

i may be small and you may be tall but i can still reach you,

my voice can go for miles and miles and i dont have to say a single word,

i am beautiful.

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