Chapter 1 (New Life)

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SPECIAL THANKS TO kalilovestwilight101 FOR THE AWESOME COVER <3 (spelled ma screen name wrong though.... :p)

Daddy, please don’t hurt me, I promise I won’t scream; I promise I can be a good boy. Daddy! No! Please stop!” He grabbed me and threw me against the wall, pain shot through my body.

NO!!!! I woke up, dripping with sweat. I had dreams like that every night. I shivered and pulled off my covers. New town. New school. New people.  I hated school; I was constantly picked on and bullied. “Hunter! Come eat.” I groaned. John. He wasn’t my real father, I didn’t want one. A father, to me, was a death sentence. I wanted nothing to do with one. Especially John, I didn’t trust him. I pulled my covers off of my body and made my way to my mirror. My black hair was messy, and my lip ring wasn’t in. Other than that, I looked fine. I went downstairs. John was waiting for me. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and ate it. He looked at me, raised an eyebrow and slowly sipped his coffee.  I thumped up the stairs to my new room. I took off my clothes and stepped in the shower. The cold water soothed my skin. I grabbed my razor blade from my pants pocket. I took a deep breath and cut a line across my wrist. The blood mingled with the water and I watched my blood run down the drain. I put on my black jeans, my white shirt, hoodie and my kicks. I opened my dresser and found my lip ring; I put it in. I’d already brushed my teeth, nothing left to do, but catch the bus. I ran out the front door and barely caught the bus. The kids laughed at me and threw balled up paper at me. I didn’t care. I went to the back of the bus and sat down. A peppy girl with gold looking eyes and light brown hair sat down beside me. “Hi, you’re the new kid, right?” she asked.  I grunted. She looked at me and giggled. I looked at her and then down at the floor, there was something interesting down there, and I just had to find it. “Well, my name’s Honey.” I looked at her again. Honey was definitely the perfect name for her, her gold honey colored hair was long and flowed down to her back. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly. She was really pretty. “What’s your name?” I didn’t answer her. I didn’t want to talk to her, she should take the hint. She punched my shoulder. “Ouch!” I yelped. She laughed. “It’s Hunter.” She seemed pleased with herself. “Well, howdy Hunter.” She handed me a black book and I looked curiously at it. I raised an eyebrow at her. “It’s a journal.” “I know, guys don’t really use them, but you seem the type to use them.” I nodded at her and thanked her. The bus stopped. I looked at the kids surrounding the school. Great; I thought miserably. Honey grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the bus into the school. I groaned and signed up for my classes.

(Logan’s POV) I was walking to class with Andrew, and I saw the new kid. He was cute. He made my heart flutter. He wasn’t paying any attention to me. I walked up to him and tried to talk to him. It was nearly impossible, because 1.) This guy was so hot he had to be straight, 2.) He didn’t talk at all, and 3.) I was blabbering like a nervous idiot.

He ignored me completely. I was so mad. I would get him back for ignoring me, being the most popular guy in school had its perks.

            “Honey! Stop dragging me everywhere!” I yelled angrily. She rolled her eyes at me and proceeded to drag me to her lunch table. She would have succeeded if I hadn’t knocked into someone. I fell to the floor. I looked up, it was the guy who had talked to me earlier. I didn’t want to talk to him, or anyone else for that matter. Why couldn’t anyone take a hint here? He grabbed my collar and pulled me to his face. “You’re dead meat, new kid.” He dropped me back down and pushed me against the wall then started walking away, probably to a table. “Oh my God! Are you ok Hunter?” I nodded slowly. I didn’t want to sit with anyone, I didn’t want to get bullied or picked on. I just wanted to disappear. At that moment, I wished my father had succeeded in killing me. I walked away from her. I didn’t want anyone to bother me, why couldn’t she just see that? I leaned against the wall and sat down. She came over to me and sat beside me. “What’s wrong Hunter?” She sighed and hugged me. No one had hugged me before; it was a new feeling, which I had never experienced. She touched my cheeks gently and pulled my face to hers and kissed my cheek. “Please come back to the lunchroom, Hunter.” I looked at her; I didn’t want to disappoint her. For some reason, I liked being around this girl. I stood up and grabbed her hand. I walked into the cafeteria and she showed me to her table, there were people here, her other friends; I guessed. They looked at me nervously. I couldn’t do this; I couldn’t even do this for Honey. I hated being around people. I only trusted Honey, I couldn’t stay here. I got up and ran. I heard Honey calling my name. I didn’t slow down, I couldn’t. I didn’t stop until I made it outside the building. I sat on the front steps. “Hunter, why did you leave?” I knew it was Honey, but what was I suppose to tell her? “Oh, yeah, sorry, I don’t trust anyone, but you; because my father fucked me up?” I didn’t say anything. She looked at me worried and tried to tug on my arm, I snatched my arm from her and started walking home. She tried to follow me, but I pushed her. She fell on the ground. I felt bad, I helped her up and said sorry. She said it was ok, but I knew I had hurt her, I hurt everyone; my father was right, I’m just like him. I ran for home and I didn’t stop till I reached my house. I opened the door, John wasn’t here. Thank God. I ran to the bathroom and sat in the tub. I grabbed my razor. You. Are. Nothing. You. Don’t. Deserve. To. Live.  I cut myself with each word. Then I cried into my knees. Shakily, I walked to the medicine cabinet. I grabbed John’s pills. I dumped the whole container of pills down my throat and swallowed them all. I took muscle relaxers and pain pills and swallowed them all. I grinned in the mirror and fainted, hitting my head on the cold, hard tile.

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