Chapter 2

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I woke up my body started to ache and I groaned in pain, I looked around and I was at the kitchen where I was last time I looked around and saw pools of blood I got up but then I fell down again then stood up again I grabbed a paper towel and started to wipe all the blood away.

I walked upstairs my dad was at work at this time so I didn't have to worry about him, I went up my room limping and went straight to the bathroom, I had dirty blond hair and clear blue eyes and was skinny I lifted up my shirt and saw dry blood, I saw some scars from the belt and bruises and cuts everywhere.

I sighed shaky and took a warm shower, I want to leave this place I have to run away, I climbed out of the shower and put on my same cloths that I washed, I only have one bed a bathroom and I don't have any closet or anything like that because I only have one clothes, my dad has some money but never gave me money to shop.

I crawled on my bed and wrapped a small blanket around my small skinny body, tears escaped my eyes.

( couple of hours later )

I was cooking dinner for my so called 'dad' I cooked steak with some onions on the side cause the only thing I could get was onions and steak, I decided not to go to work, my boss doesn't know but just let me have a break off because she saw all the bruises and cuts.

He came in home, he was screaming and yelling things great he is drunk another beat up for me, he came in the kitchen and smiled evilly, he knocked down some things, I turned off the fire and he looked to the side of the kitchen and saw a knife I was frozen please don't do this please don't do this I said whispering inside my head praying that he wouldn't do it.

He walked towards the counter and hold up the knife and took a quick glance at it, he wakes back to me and kicked me again I was whimpering in pain he grabbed a fist of hair and held up the knife, I felt the cold metal against my skin he slowly dragged it down on my stomach making me scream in pain, he took out the knife and threw me across the floor.

I coughed and tasted a familiar taste, blood I coughed couple of times spitting out blood he punched me on my face again.

I was on the cold wooden floor with blood all over he gets on top of me strangling me and he throws the knife somewhere, he punched me again and again and again, I want to cry really bad he got up and kicked me right on my stomach and I coughed up more blood, he smirked in satisfaction and walked away, I moaned and blood spilled everywhere, everything gets blurry then next thing was black dots everywhere and soon after that everything went pitch dark.

I woke up and I couldn't see anything, I tried to get up but my body was really weak, a tear slipped out, my body was in so much pain and a great amount of blood was lost, I want to die, now there is no hope.

I crawl up into a ball but try to sleep again but I couldn't, I tried getting up again but felt like every single muscle part got ripped and torn out, it hurts a lot another tear slipped out I tried to hold back my whimpers and screams, I slowly walk up and went inside my room I really have to escape this place, I planned thing right on my bed, my head started to hurt a lot and screening inside.

I went inside the bathroom limping and holding the uninjured arm around my tummy, I am skinny but not as skinny as a stick but pretty skinny.

I took off my cloth and didn't look in the mirror or I didn't even dare to look at the mirror, now what am I going to do probably no boys might like me I have to much scars well a lot of them are gone now but a small one on where my dad technically just cut through, I looked down at my stomach and sighed shaky, it wasn't deep but a big cut not small.

I got in the shower and turned on the warm water, as soon as the water hit me every single place started to sting I held back my scream and just showered I cried silently hoping I could just die, after I was done I washed my cloths and my ripped jeans, after that I just dried myself and put back my cloths it was still a little wet but I dried it off to.

I decided I am going to run away today it was still dark, I went down to clean up the blood that was dry, it took forever to clean up, I heard my dad snoring in the living room.

I quietly snuck out of the house from the door, I slipped out and closed the door as quietly as I could, I live inside a forest so I had to walk up to were the roads where, I felt welcomed by the cool breeze, leaves swaying steady, the moonlight shining threw the leaves, I look up and see the bright moon and the beautiful stars I smiled and sighed I  wish I could do this everyday, and I soon forgot about my pain but now I have to go now, I ran as fast as I could whooshing past the trees and hear the twigs snap the leaves crunch under my feet.

Couple of minutes later I found my way back on the road I panted for air and put my hands on my knees I was wheezing a bit I felt a little dizzy, why did I run, I saw a jeep coming I waved my hands and black dots cleared my vision as I heard mumbling of the songs that was playing on the jeep, then my knees became weak and I fell down against the cold grass, I closed my eyes and everything went pitch black with a tear that dropped.

Hello thank you for reading this book, and please comment and vote, I hope you guys like this chapter and that's the picture of Kansas and I hope I get to talk to you guys later byeeeeee.

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